Thursday, September 19, 2024

End of the Seasonal Sightings:

'The tans may fade, but the visuals remain.'

I know California and the west coast have had a brutally hot summer, and some of the Southern state have had storms, but overall the last year or so, at least here in the East, has been relatively quiet.  After a few years with horrible hurricanes, and a few winters full of ice and wind, last winter, and indeed last summer, were all in all, ok.

Hot, muggy days yes, but nearly as many as the last few years.  Rain, but not to much, and no major wild fires, or wild fire smoke, to deal with.  I don't know if that means this winter will also be mild, or whether stormy weather is ahead.  I know I'm in the minority, but I'm hoping for snowy winter than we had last year.   

Fall seemed to start a little early this year, so that mean our winter is longer and colder.  Given the climate change has already permanently altered our seasons, maybe we'll have a rare old fashioned winter.  There won't be many more as temperatures rise, so fingers, at least in my house, this year might be one of them.

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