Sunday, June 2, 2024

BedRock: Seth Peterson by Michael von Redlich

'I love when a model inhabits spaces and I just follow and capture.'

Last month, in the first week of May, I featured photographer Michael von Redlich and his work with  model and adult film star Seth Peterson.  The resulting images were a breathtaking collection of visuals weaving Seth's beauty with the natural grandeur of Sycamore Creek, Arizona. 

Now that we're in the first week of June, I wanted to return to the shoot, and the images I couldn't fit into the first piece.  Although these shots are from Michael's second shoot with Seth, this was the first time Seth posed on his on. In the first shoot, Michael shot both Seth and his then boyfriend , fellow adult performer Aiden Garcia.

As he usually does, Michael sent on hundreds of images from each of his sessions with Seth.  In addition to not wanting to pass up sharing all of my favorite captures, I also wanted to featured the many different areas, as well as the structural and geological components used during the shoot. In the first piece, I featured Seth up, in and then out of one of the locations tree's.  I loved the statuesque look of the tree and how Seth interacted with it.

For this shoot, it all about the boulder bed that Seth lays, poses and artistically connects with. Now no one wants a mattress of rock, but Seth makes it appear like a welcoming and comfortable place to settle down and relax on.  In addition to Seth's poses, you can almost feel the heat from the sun against both Seth's skin and surface the rock.  Like the tree Seth posted on previously, you can also sense the history in the geological formations and changes they've undergone over the years. 

What brought you to AZ to shoot Seth? 
I have a dear friend who lives in Phoenix, and I had noted that there was a high concentration of adult actors in the Phoenix area, so I started reaching out and have been very fortunate with the responses. 

What were the biggest differences between shooting Seth in a duo, and then alone? 
When he is on his own, he is very charming, funny and more creative in his ideas. The very first shoot with his soon-to-be-ex was more tense, but I didn't know him well enough then, so I just thought it was him. 

Was it hard to keep up, or was Seth following you? 
We both stay in motion - I love when a model inhabits spaces and I just follow and capture. 

Given he was totally naked in that environment, any cuts or scratches from the rocks or tree's? 
No - Seth was very careful and I am sensitive to putting any model in dangerous situations. 

Below: Even the cactus seems a wee stimulated about Seth's high kick and leg spread pose.

You can check out much more of Michael's work with Seth, as well more of Michael's thoughts on his work and his time shooting Seth on the NEXT PAGE HERE:


vito said...

Great model & great spread--literally.

JiEL said...

I could hike with him anytime.
What a nice natural body and more....