'He that dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose.'
Anne Brontë🌹
After Cupid, red hearts and chocolates, roses are one the most universally well known symbols of Valentine's Day. Both their scent, as well as their delicate petals, make them a popular gift to both give, and to receive. They can given as a romantic gesture, or given to a mom, an aunt, or to that special someone.
Like the Valentine Cupid, the origin of giving red roses on the holiday is rooted in Greek mythology. One story tells us that the first red rose was created when the Greek Goddess Aphrodite was scratched by a white rose's thorn. Her blood, caused the white rose to run red. Another story says that the first red rose grew on the ground where Adonis, Aphrodite's lover, died. They say it was the Goddess's tears that fell, created and then nourished the first rose.
Regardless of the history, every February, billions of roses are grown and sold. American's spend millions every Valentines at flower, grocery and box stores to ensure that special someone knows they are thought of and loved. Of course not everyone gives roses because of love. Some do it out of obligation, habit and guilt. Flowers aren't just given to express love, they are also often purchased to right a wrong.
Roses are the perfect visual for passion and romance, but they also prove the adage that you can't experience pleasure, without also experiencing pain. Anyone whose been in love knows how painful love can be. I'll never forget the pain of losing my first love, an emotional gut punch which left permanent bruises. Just as you can't have roses without a few thorns, you can't truly have pleasure without a dose of pain.
I'm sure many of you recognize Dex, the beauty holding the rose and showing off his long stem. Some of you may remember Dex from piece this past December, (HERE:) featuring his work with Jim from Studio1x. That wasn't Dex's first appearance on FH however, Jim also shot Jim for a mother's day spread I featured in 2021. (HERE:)
When I was putting together the piece in December, I tucked away this series of shots to post on Valentine's Day. Jim again demonstrates his expertise with studio shoots, using just Dex, a rose and his skill and experience to create a stunning series of images.
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His dick is an American beauty
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