Thursday, August 13, 2020

Just Joey!

'Joey was obviously at ease being in front of the camera and being naked, and there seemed to be a quietly cocky look in his eye which caught my attention.'

Many FH readers might remember the quote about from my previous piece featuring Joey earlier this year. (Quietly Cocky)  The quote comes from macpics, whose work with Joey I featured in that first piece.  I was so impressed with Joey's ease in front of the camera, and his handsome face and body, I got in touch with the Australian hottie about a follow-up for the site.

This piece began as an Instagram's that Inspire, but I had to quickly give up using that particular direction.  Two reasons, kept getting in the way, whenever I started piecing it all together.  For starters, most of the images Joey sent on for the follow-up were far too hot for Instagram.  This may also have played a part in the second reason, due to his 'too hot for Instagram' content, his page is often sanctioned or temporarily removed.

So, I decided to go with 'Just Joey' and feature some of my favorite shots, from both Joey's Instagram, (when it's up) his Model Mayhem page, and the shots from his Just For Fans page that Joey sent on.  Although there is a quiet sensuality in many of Joey's images, as you can also see, is level of cockiness...isn't always so quiet.

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