Although I usually try to not post what is everywhere else on the net, and I generally try to avoid secretly shot paparazzi or phone pics, Harry has to be the exception. Should not be a surprise to most, but I love me some of the peeled down Prince. Harry is pretty much perfection and his recent Las Vegas strip was more than a welcomed surprise.

But... As much as I enjoyed, and I did enjoy, seeing Harry's hind quarters I could not help but think about how dumb he was. Not dumb for having fun or stripping down, I don't judge his actions, only his lack of precaution. Harry is no longer a kid, almost 28, not 21. He is a royal, well educated, went through the loss of his mother, served 77 days on the front line in the Afghan War. He is not a 19 year old frat boy new to the big city for his first year of college. Why after everything he has been through, seen and experienced did he not stop midway through strip pool and say...
'Hey guys, before I yank down my tighty whities, could you all put your phones and cameras on the bed? Don't mean to be a buzz kill, but my grandmother is heading toward 90 and my grand dad has been in and out of the hospital a lot lately, don't want to cause them any additional stress, or have to deal with them being pissed royally off!'
Now...I am glad he didn't say all that, but alcohol and exhibitionist traits aside, anyone thinking, even just a little, most likely would have...