Saturday, August 10, 2019

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 11th


~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

Kudos to Race Imboden

'Racism, mistreatment of immigrants and a “president who spreads hate” were among the reasons.'

Earlier today I was working out when I saw Race Imboden on CNN .  I had headphones on, and the TV was on mute, but I made a note to google him after my shower. I knew Race from his modeling work, but hadn't heard about the reason he was now making the news.  Kudos Race!

U.S. Fencer, Race Imboden, Takes a Knee at Pan-American Games

Body Talk: Couples

It's always exciting to see someone you think is attractive without their clothes on.  There's an added layer of interest, at least to me, to see couples completely nude.  It's especially fun if the couples aren't professional models, and the photo-shoot captures a moment in their relationship, maybe a beginning, a middle, or heading towards an ending.  Body Talk doesn't just show beautiful bodies, it takes you into how the couples feel about the bodies they've chose to be with, or in the case of brothers, the bodies they've grown up in competition with, and beside.

Lee & Guy

'Her body is totally lush, a hit from top to bottom!'

Amanda & James

Sabrina & Duncan

Kay & Glen

John & Lee
David & Rick

Daniel & Jamie

Twin brothers Daniel and Jamie Westhorpe of Geelong, share parents, a birthday, and the genes for spunky good looks. Now, they're sharing a moment of glor as King Studs!. Daniel, a construction rigger, and Jamie, a roof-tiler, also share each others pain. When Jamie had a shoulder reconstruction, Daniel's arm went dead at the exat time Jamie went into surgery. Spooky!

Gil Bellows: ACTORS & Skin

It's funny how someone, in this case, an actor, can be in your realm of consciousness, yet, not really be noticed until the time is right.  I knew who Gil Bellows was, but until recently, if anyone asked me about him, all that I would have known, was that he was in Ally McBeal.   Ally McBeal wasn't a show I watched, I think I remember seeing an episode or two, a Christmas episode stands out, but I was never really drawn to it.

Until seeing Bellows as Tommy in The Shawshank Redemption, I really had no idea what a successful career Bellows also had on screen.  When Tommy arrives at Shawshank, he's noticed by all, prisoners and audience members a like.  Bellow's energy is different from his co-stars, and for his brief time on film, he and and sideburns make their mark.

I never realized how hot Bellows was until Shawshank, it must be in part, those sideburns. He mostly wore suits on Ally McBeal, and although he remained clothed in Shawshank, his sex appeal was far more intense than I remember feeling before.

I was surprised to see the extent of Bellow's film work, and the major stars he worked with.  I was also pleasantly surprised to find 4 nude scenes on his resume.  Two were but quick butt flashes, but the other two gave us a more lengthy linger at Bellow's buttocks.  Check out the 4 scenes in the SKIN part of Actors & Skin below.

Ally McBeal (1997)

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Silver Strand (1995)

Gil Bellows: Actors & SKIN

Gil Bellow's first skinning on screen was brief, VERY brief, his flash of ass crack in Love and a .45 actually seems almost accidental in his love scene at the beginning of the film with co-star Renée Zellweger.

Love and a .45 (1994)

Judas Kiss (1998)

Bellow skinning in 1998's Judas Kiss was also brief, and sadly, like Janet Leigh in Psycho, this shower, was his characters last!   I checked out the film for the Bellow's butt, but after seeing the film co-starred Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman, it needs a repeat viewing with my full attention.

Silver Strand (1995)

Although originally a TV movie, 1995's Silver Strand co-starring Nicollette Sheridan, included a little more Bellow's butt in it's International VHS release.

Black Day Blue Night (1995)

A disgruntled wife of a cheating husband takes off on a road trip with her husband's "other woman". The two women pick up a hitchhiker who may, or may not, be a robber and murderer on the run from the cops.