'My favorite shoot from 2023 was with Chris Teel, the beach shoot!'
Over the last year, I've loved featuring photographer
Chris Teel, his work with model
Hal Kourtney. Chris first shared his work with last last June, (
HERE:) and again for post this past January (
HERE:) which helped kicked off 2024 for the site. Over the years of working on
FH, I featured dozens of Chris' shoots, and his creative collaborations with Hal are some of my all-time favorites.
You can see from the images, Hal and Chris enjoy working together, and have formed an rhythmical and productive artistic alliance. When I asked Hal in January about favorite shoot from last year, he replied it was his beach s hoot with Chris. I knew I end to the visual tribology with Chris and Hal's trip to the beach. Given Hal has shared so much info in the previous posts, I didn't have many questions for this shoot. I was curious about two things, starting with where the shoot took place,. Chris let me know the shoot took place on Toronto's Hanlan's Point Beach.
My second question was about what Hal was wearing around his neck. I liked it, and thought was a unique necklace, but was curious how it ended up in the shoot. It turns out it wasn't a necklace at all, but a head band Hal had been wearing to deal with the wind. Hal ended up taking taking it out of his hair at one point and hanging it around his neck. Although not intentional, a statement necklace was born.
If you've check out and read my previous pieces, Hal's statement necklace makes perfect sense. I was impressed with Hal's humour and wit in his previous answers and thought maybe this time, he agree to write the text. Given the theme of the visuals, and the fact Hal is a fitness coach, I thought he might like to offer some suggestions on how to get the perfect beach body. Although Hal has written many serious articles on health and fitness, this one was just for FH, and as you'll read below, just for fun.
How to Achieve a Beach Body
By Hal Kourtney:
Below are the tried and true methodologies that I have implemented in my own life to achieve a beach body. Follow these 4 steps, and I guarantee you will have a beach body.
Step 1: Locate a Beach
First things first, you need a beach. Any beach will do. Preferably one with sun, sand, and a reasonable lack of sharks. This is critical. No beach, no beach body. Simple, right?
Step 2: Obtain a Body
Good news! You already have one. Unless you're a disembodied brain reading this, in which case, getting a beach body just got significantly harder.
Step 3: Move Your Body to the Beach
Congratulations! If you've followed steps 1 and 2, you're 95% of the way there. This step involves the highly advanced technique of transporting yourself to said beach. Whether by walking, driving, or being carried on a throne by adoring fans, the method is up to you.
Step 4: Display Your Body on the Beach
Now, the moment you've been waiting for. Lay down that towel, spread out, and let the sun do its thing. Voilà! Beach body achieved.

Bonus Tips for Overachievers:
- Sprinkle Some Fitness Magic: Sure, if you want to get all fancy, you can add some exercise and good nutrition into the mix. Lift weights, eat your veggies, do your cardio (but not too far, let’s not get crazy).
- Hydrate Like It’s Your Job: Water is your friend. Whether you're drinking it or swimming in it, stay hydrated. And no, mojitos don't count as hydration. No, the water won’t make you bloated, as you’ll be sweating, but it will help you to not pass out face down in the sand….like last year.
- Rock the Confidence: The most important muscle to flex on the beach is your confidence. So strut your stuff like you're posing for a cover shoot of "Beach Body Weekly."

Remember, getting a beach body isn't about endless hours in the gym (though that is the recipe for endless happiness) or starving yourself on kale smoothies (kale and protein smoothies excepted). It's about having a body and taking it to the beach. Simple, fun, and insanely effective. Now go forth and beach on, my friends!
Chris Teel on OnlyFans