Sunday, September 18, 2022
Thanks Patton Oswalt!
That's exactly what happened this summer, after reading a Tweet from actor and comedian Patton Oswalt. Oswalt was promoting the book Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road. The book, written by Kyle Buchanan, a pop culture reporter for the New York Times, chronicles the making of, the behind the scenes drama, and the almost 15 year journey to get the film made..
Quaternate: MW Photo MD
His Best Life: Billy Short by Roy Mayh
What first motivated you to start modeling?
For me, I’m a model second and a sex worker first. So I got into sex work, and the opportunity to model was offered to me. I said why not I was down to try and here we are! Originally I started modeling doing underwear modeling for posters at my local bar. Because I was also doing porn, I did a few nudes on the side until eventually the two worlds collided.
I wouldn’t say I was even slightly nervous about being nude. Inversely I’m always nervous about modeling. I’m still very new to this and have much to learn. I’m always concerned with how I should look and what not.
Any bad experiences during your time modeling?
I had a few bad experiences before. Mostly of my own making, but also you never REALLY know what you’re walking into. So sometimes you walk into a shoot and it goes well, sometimes it goes much worse. But that’s why I like to engage with photographers before the shoot.
Probably my face/ eyes. Most people comment on my “sexy eyes” or something similar. It’s funny, I can post a selfie and get more interaction on that post then a full frontal nude.
Can you share anything about the large tat on your chest?
I'm always curious about tattoos and whether they have any meaning? It’s Green Lantern. Specially John Stewart Green Lantern. I’m a big comic book nerd, so on my left side I’m working on a comic book mural. So far I have Green Lantern, Static, and Batman. I’ll have more soon hopefully.
What is your favorite part about modeling.
My favorite part about modeling is the meeting of new people. Seeing how different photographers shoot me. I can tell what people like about me based on how they photograph me, which is always interesting to see.
It went really well. When I met with Roy, I had seen his work before and wanted my own version of it. The actual day was a busy one. I had got done with a previous shoot, and was editing some porn, so I was mildly stressed. Even still working with Roy was engaging, plus Roy had been doing it long before I was so he was very understanding.
Very flexible. I normally brag that I’m a flexible model able to match the vibe of whoever I’m working with. But Roy also matched my energy. So it was nice to bounce off of one another with ideas and goals.
What was your favorite part of this shoot with Roy?
My favorite part of the shoot with Roy was the conversation. As with every shoot, I love talking to people so with Roy, the ability to talk and work together on shots was remarkable.