Saturday, September 28, 2019

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 29th

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Christopher Atkins in The Blue Lagoon (1980)

'Come back here and put your clothes on!'
Paddy Button

FH readers know that the original Blue Lagoon had quite an impact on me when I was a kid. I think like many young guys in the 80's, Christopher Atkins confirmed beyond a doubt, my sexual preference. I was a bit young to see the movie when it first came out, but I remember seeing images of Atkins in magazines and longed to see the film, and to see the nude scenes that I'd read about. Eventually I got to see the movie on VHS and the pause button on the remote never had such a work out.

This post isn't really about Atkins though, I featured the blonde heartthrob many times over the years. (HERE:) It's also not about actor Brenton Thwaites, the Australian actor who played Dean in the 2012 TV remake film Blue Lagoon: The Awakening.

This post is more about Richard, (or Dean or Michael) and the 4 actors, some who wore the loincloth, in the four incarnations of the film. The original castaway was played by Donald Houston who co-stared alongside Jean Simmons in the original Blue Lagoon in 1949.

Brenton Thwaites in The Blue Lagoon: A New Awakening 2012

I was triggered by an article on actor Brian Krause who played Richard in the 1991 sequel, Return to the Blue Lagoon. I have yet to see Return to the Blue Lagoon, partly, because I'm not really that familiar with Krause's work. I certainly was aware of him, mainly due to his role on Charmed, but I never watched that show. Truth be told, I was also aware that except for a few breast flashes from Milla Jovovich, there wasn't any male nudity in the film.

Donald Houston & Jean Simmons in The Blue Lagoon (1949)

When I first saw the 1980 version, in addition to Atkins, I also enjoyed the island scenery and the blues and greens of the ocean. As beautiful as the location was, with repeat viewings, it was all about capturing a new angle or view of Aktins body during all those underwater swimming scenes... Krause is incredibly adorable in the promotional shots for the sequel, so I did get my hands on a digital copy that I plan on watching when time allows.

Brian Krause in Return to the Blue Lagoon (1991)

I thought it might be fun to compare and contrast the four 'Richards' and see which one had the best beach body from all of that fish, not to mention the coconuts and berries (except the poison ones...) they were forced to eat on the island. 

Although Christopher Atkins was the only 'Richard' to have nude scenes in his dip in the Lagoon, all except actor Donald Houston, did have nude scenes in other projects.  Check them out and see which of Richard's rears was your favorite on PAGE 2 HERE: & HERE:

Bare Men: The Group Show

'Since the dawn of my Bare Men series, I've been working to end the taboo of the male nude -- full-frontal, all bodies, erections -- and the men who inhabit those bodies. What draws me to nudes is how much of a person's spirit we're shown.'

Earlier this year, I posted a call to photographers for Bare Men, the upcoming show put together, and based on the theme of artist Abigail Ekue.  Well, the time is here and starting this week, Bare Men , the group show opens at The Living Gallery in Bushwick Brooklyn. The exhibit will be on view from September 29 through October 4 starting with a press preview on Sunday, September 29. The opening reception will be held on October 1 from 7 to 10 PM. On Thursday, October 3, 2019, an Artist Talk will be held at 6 to 8 PM.

'For Bare Men: The Group Show, I invited and selected photographers whose imagery was intimate, delicate, raw, erotic, evocative. The work I was drawn to took my breath away. Photographers who are daring, pushing boundaries or those that are elevating the classic nude tropes. I chose photography as the sole medium for this show because it is the most censored when it comes to the male nude.'

'When I'm working with men for my Bare Men series or with private clients, I love the process of seeing them strip the armor of "being a man" in society. They are free to express their personal masculinity. The artists in Bare Men: The Group Show exhibit many expressions of masculinity through their photography and self portraiture.

This exhibit forces the viewer to face the face of the male nude. The viewer is asked to confront any hang-ups they may have towards the male nude or even nudity, in general, and appreciate that there is art in the male nude. Art that we all have a hand in creating.'

Exhibiting Artists:

Adam Burke, Aeric Meredith-Goujon, Andy Kabi, Anira Ivo, Ann-Marie Stillion, Arnold Barretto, Berta A. Daniels, Bill Mattern, DearIndifference, Ekin Balcıoğlu, Evan Murphy, Exposing40, H. Tim Secnal, Jen Folsom, Jeremy Marc Anthony, Joseph O’Neill, Linda Richard, Logan Benedict, Naked World, Nick Kershaw, Oliver Estrella, Only Sky Studios, Patrick, Peter J. Robinson Jr., Raj Kamal, Ryan Alvin, Shelagh Howard, Steve Stenzel, Tim Foley, Wolf Schwarz, Wylde Soul Photography, Zaza Greene

Bare Men: The Group Show marks the return to The Living Gallery for Abigail Ekue Photography. In the spring of 2016, Ekue held her solo Bare Men Pop-Up Exhibit in the space.

Up Up & Away: Abel by Richard Rothstein

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