Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for June 12th

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Happy Birthday today June 12th

Happy 62nd to actor John Enos III

Check out more of John on FH HERE:
& More of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

FaVorites: Oliver Carter

There's something about Oliver...

Oliver Carter

The Third Battle: November 1977

Battle of the Network Stars III
November 4th, 1977
Hosts: Howard Cosell, Telly Savalas & Bruce Jenner

Network Teams:
Gabe Kaplan, (Captain) Fred Berry, Billy Crystal, Chris DeRose, Victor French, Cheryl Ladd, Kristy McNicol, Penny Marshall, Suzanne Somers and Parker Stevenson

Jimmie Walker, (Captain) Adrienne Barbeau, Valerie Bertinelli, Kevin Dobson, Jamie Farr, Caren Caye, James MacArthur, Jimmy McNichol, Loretta Switt and Lyle Waggoner

Duffy and Kerwin

Dan Haggerty, (Captain) Robert Conrad, Elinor Donahue, Patrick Duffy, Peter Isacksen, Lance Kerwin, Donna Mills, Belinda Montgomery, Michelle Phillips and Larry Wilcox.

Conrad, Kerwin & Haggerty

Although I'm only at episode #3, this one made me feel old.  This episode aired 47 years ago, with actor Billy Crystal looking like a teenager.  Billy was on the sit-com Soap at the time playing the gay character Jodie Dallas.  Speaking of Dallas, although Patrick Duffy is featured here, this was before he started playing Bobby Ewing.  Duffy was underwater at the time on The Man From Atlantis.


Lyle Waggoner 

Jamie Farr

As I usually do, I included an introduction of the swimmers in the relay race in the video below. I never thought I'd see Victor French in a speedo...  I could be wrong, but it seems they made an attempt to cover more of the men's bodies this time with their names right across their crotch.  There were better views in the previous episodes.  



Below: There must have been bowling in the early episodes as host Telly Savalas seems to be looking for a comment from Robert Conrad as he's about to toss his ball.

Stay for the Plot....Kince by Studio1x

'Come for the gaybait, stay for the plot...'

In the quote above Kince wasn't actually referencing a shoot, it was an in answer to a question about a movie.  I wanted to use the quote however, to begin this piece, as it sums up so much of what I feel about working on FH.  Although I want viewers to enjoy the visuals, and talented artists and models that I feature, I also hope they're sticking around long enough to read their stories. 

Part of the reason I continue to work on the site is about my curiosity, and the commentary about how the shoots I feature are created and put together.  When it comes to shoots in a model's home, part of the story is how they live their lives.  Part of being at home is rooted in routine.  Those things we do everyday as part of just living a life.  

No glamour, no colored backgrounds or fancy lighting.  Just our morning and evening, or bathroom and bedroom rituals.  I love how Jim from Studio1x captured so many small, but beautifully erotic moments, of Kince and his day at home.  In the first few years of the site, I really focused on the theme of favorites.  One of my usual routines, was to ask models a series of questions about some of their favorite things.  Thanks to Kince for answering my FH twist on the Proust Questionnaire.

Popular singer or group that many love, that is just not your favorite? 
Oh, no. I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of flack for this one but I still haven't hopped on the Taylor Swift train. That said, she comes up a lot on my algorithm and I definitely respect her body of work; maybe it's just a matter of time. 

After shooting in the bathroom, it was time for the bedroom shoot.  Perfect time for Brisingr to make a return appearance!

Favorite TV Show? 
The thing about it is my favorite TV shows have all been limited series and I'm not sure how much that counts. Angels in America is one I rewatch often.  It's also a really great adaptation of Tony Kushner's plays so that may not be a fair assessment. I would say of anything relatively current The White Lotus is definitely up there and I can't wait for the next season of Yellowjackets. I'm also a big fan of reality TV competitions like RuPaul's Drag Race and Top Chef. 

Favorite guilty pleasure TV show few know you watch on your laptop late at night? 
Definitely Grey's Anatomy. And it's less a "guilty pleasure" and more "let's not bring it up because I know the eyerolls are coming." 

Favorite all time movie? 
This one's easy. Heights is my favorite movie of all time. Adapted from a play of the same name by Amy Fox, it follows the lives of several New Yorkers in the span of 24 hours and stars a bunch of big names (Glenn Close, my celebrity husband James Marsden, Elizabeth Banks, Jesse Bradford, cameos by Isabella Rossellini, Rufus Wainwright, etc). It's a really fantastic commentary on human relationships and I never tire of sharing it with people. 

Favorite movie you saw so far this year?
I think Challengers was incredibly done. Come for the gaybait, stay for the plot. I won't say more but it truly was masterful in its execution. 

Movie everyone seemed to have loved that wasn't your favorite? 
Midsommar. Hated it. I won't elaborate else I might find myself sewn up in a bear. 

Celebrity you'd most like spend a night with? 
Do porn stars count? Haha! If so then it's definitely Legrand Wolf, but if that doesn't count nix it from the interview. Probably Erick Labra, who's less of a mainstream celebrity and more of a social media star. But holy fuck. 

Celebrity you'd most like to marry? 
This may come as a shocker but probably Anna Kendrick. She's incredibly witty, down to earth, drop dead gorgeous, and a charmer. Plus we don't have any shame about getting down and dirty with some Taco Bell. 

Celebrity many think is hot that you don't find appealing? 
Matt Bomer. I think he is objectively hot, but it just isn't for me. 

What body part of yours are you most proud of, or love the most? 
I've always considered my eyebrows to be my favorite feature, which is probably why I've never had them pierced despite considering it many times. 

What body part of yours gets a lot of attention even though you don't why? 
Probably my ass. Like I'm grateful I have a decent derriere for my frame but it's not like it's a classic bubble butt or anything.