'You have two hours to achieve ultimate moistness.'
Sue Perkins
I started watching The Great British Bake Off in 2017, during Series 7 of the reality baking show. Since then, I've continued two watch each series, and during the pandemic, caught up on the previous six years that I had missed. Just like a good chocolate chip cookie or piece of homemade bread, I find the show a comforting distraction, an especially pleasant binge during those early months of Covid.
Earlier this year, I did a small post on contestant Matty, and called him my bake off boyfriend. I think cute Matty was the adorable boyfriend of many who watched. It had me thinking that I'm often drawn to one particular contestant on reality shows, often a hot guy, but sometimes it's a man or woman who I'm just drawn to for one reason or another. I think we all enjoy having someone to root for, and when I don't have one, I usually quickly lose interest in watching.

I think that's one of the reasons I stopped watching Big Brother. In the shows first few seasons, there seemed to be more 'real' people on the show. As time went on, it seemed there were more players just looking for there 15 minutes, and models and actors drafted by the producers and casting department. Although The Great British Bake Off is not an international hit, each season is still full of bakers who seem real, and most seem shocked they were chosen to be on the show. No reality television show can completely stop '15 minute seekers' from slipping in, the show does a pretty good job of balancing the cast for each series.
After the post on Matty, I decided to do a post on my baker boyfriend from each season of the show. The post however, took a little longer to assemble than I first thought. I didn't actually have a crush each year, but there were always a baker or two I was rooting and watching for.
I decided it would make a good Christmas post, hence some of the holiday images you see included. It's funny that as much as I love the show, I don't enjoy, and don't watch, the holiday episodes. But.. given baking is so connected to Christmas, I started, and did intend to make the post over the Christmas holidays.
I got about half way through assembling my list, and looking for images when I figured out there was no way to finish it up by my self imposed deadline. I think however, that I'm finally done. I say 'think', as every time I get ready to post, I think of another baker, host or aspect of the show that would be nice to include.
Over the next two pages you will find posts spotlighting each Series from the shows 14 seasons on the air. For those who haven't watched, in addition to noting Tye's top favorite, (my baking boyfriend) I also note the winner of each season. I also include some of my favorite baker's in the tent from each Series, as well that one baker who drove me nuts. For some reason, In addition to finding a baker to crush over and root for, there seemed to be at least one baker every year who annoyed the shit out out of me.
Since this
FH, I also had to try and find the hottest images I could find of my favorite bakers, some of whom, do have images of themselves without their aprons, and occasionally, without their pants. Certainly not all of the guys have shirtless shots, but hopefully some of their images will cause your dough to rise and double in size. Check out my findings from all 14 Series on the next two pages