If you haven't watched last night's Game Of Thrones, major spoiler below!
Over the last few episodes, Game Of Thrones has taken a heavy hand with writing and depicting violence on the show. Some viewers were outraged, especially about the violence against women, with the recent rape of Sanasa Stark and with last weeks burning at the stake of the sickly child Shireen Baratheon. Many have been asking, '
have they gone too far?' I jumped to the shows defence after the scene with Sansa in an article last month, (
Reek) but after last night's season finale, I am rethinking my stance.
Although last night episode would have clearly been written and filmed long before recent audience reaction but it still felt like a huge F U from the writers and producers to those who watch. Cersei's naked walk of shame was brutal to watch, one of the most horrific scenes yet. I have been looking forward to Cersei getting what was coming to her since season 1, but there was no enjoyment or satisfaction on what they put her through in the finale. The show's final death, well that was certainly a jolt to fans of the show. Kit Harington has become of the shows biggest draws as far as the actors are concerned and although his character's storylines have been slow at times, he was to me, become the heart and soul of GOT. You have to question a series that would kill off arguably one of it's biggest draws...

Television has come a long way in the last 20 years, but for all the creative brilliance on TV, some shows seem forget... they are still, a TV show. Wether on cable or network, viewers tune into to a TV for different reasons than when they watch a movie. Most viewers may like the ocassional jolt, but they watch TV for the familiarity and predictability it brings to what have become increasingly out of control real lives. Writers for some shows think they're clever to ignore or challenge this, but more often than not, it backfires. Look at any show that loses the core themes and characters that brought viewers in to begin with and you see a show on a downward spiral. Every show has an endgame, whether spoken or not. With GOT, to me, it was the eventual coming together of the remaining Starks (as well as Jon and even Theon). One by one the family has been killed off making this reunion less and less something to look forward to. Sansa, and especially Arya had weak stories this past season, with Jon, having one of his strongest. I would not be surprised if the actor returned as either another character, but as of last night, he was cold stone dead. I have long learned never to say something as dramatic as 'I'll never watch again!'. I would never stick with it. But I can tell you, when last season's finale ended, I was already salivating for more. After last night, meh....