Powerful and Intimate Images of model Terry Davis
23 year old model Terry Davis could ignite a powerful and intimate response with just a quick glance from those incredibly beautiful brown eyes of his. As magnificent as photographer
Mark Leighton's many shots of Terry's sizzling hot body are, it was those seductive eyes that initially grabbed hold, and held on, to my attention.
I recently headed back to Mark's port to look for a new shot to include in my '
stocking stuffers' post. I have posted pieces focused on the models spotlighted Mark's book's over the past couple of years and was looking to find a new image for the Christmas piece that I hadn't used before. (And was successful with a hot shot of Ash!) When checking out Mark's new work I immediately noticed Mark's breathtaking new shots of Terry and quickly got in touch about featuring their work together.
Terry has as really strong presence in front of the camera and Mark made the most of it, taking a great variety of shots of Terry is surroundings as stunning as the model himself. When I asked Mark about Terry he was in the process of just about finishing up readying his new compilation of work focused on the UK based model.
Mark decided this time to use the magazine format, putting together an 80 page edition available (
HERE:) in both print, and Ebook downloadable versions. Mark reports that Terry didn't hold anything back and that most of the images were shot on location and include many full nudes.
'Terry Davis flew from the UK to Portugal to shoot with me twice in 2018, each time for about a week. Although I knew he looked great, I had some misgivings that he might find my style of photography too open and sensual. Before we started shooting, as he told me a little about his life and his background, those doubts grew. Remarkably, those experiences have not led him to dim his natural joy at living, his curiosity or his ambitions.'

'Once we started shooting, I realised that regardless of whether the image was “in character” for him or quiet alien to him, he would find a way to interpret and augment it – an instinct to “act” in his modeling and I was delighted to be proved wrong for having those misgivings. Terry was fun to work with. A lively, open minded and cheerful character who kept up a continual patter and did not take himself too seriously. However, when the camera was lifted up he would snap into his role. In my opinion Terry is extremely photogenic, I hope his images are well received and that we can work together again in the future.'