Sure, as always it was too long. As always it was boring in the middle. This years winners (The Hurt Locker sweep aside) were pretty predictable, but overall I quite enjoyed this years Oscars. Usually I look forward to the show only to be disappointed. I thought Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin were hilarious and the best hosts since Billy Crystal. (I loved Billy's opening numbers). Good Show!
Special Shout out to the wonderful Sandra Bullock. What a beautiful acceptance speech, one of my all time favorites. Although many are thinking it should have gone to Meryl I was thrilled to see Sandra get her do. Meryl was truly exceptional in Julia and Julie, but I loved her more than the movie as a whole (can't warm to Amy Adams myself). I risk a few people mad at this, but the only upset I was hoping for was for best supporting actress. Mo’Nique deserved it for sure, she was truly amazing, but for some reason the woman bugs me just a bit. Not sure why. She racked up all the other awards and I loved both women from 'Up In The Air'. Also love me my Colin Firth, but Jeff Bridges was the man.