Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Favorite Pic of the Day for January 11th

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~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~


Last week, I was raking the backyard in shorts.  I even washed a blanket and put it on the clothesline.  That never happens in January!  Today, reality hit,  2 hrs of shoveling to get my car out.  Reality hit and reality bites!

Under Where?

Is it just me or do the new shots of KJ Apa for Lacoste underwear fall a little flat....  Apa is one of today's hottest actors, with an incredible physique perfect to fill out a pair of tight undies. Apa looks good for sure,  but unfortunately, they seemed to have photoshopped and  'ken dolled' his mages to the point where they lack any degree of real heat.

I understand these shots are for mainstream magazines and media but they still seem rather bland.  I remember in the 90's when an underwear ad could give me all kinds of feels and was all I needed to get the heart, and the body racing. They pushed boundaries, grabbed attention, and had anti-obscenity activists  writing stern letters to company presidents and threatening boycotts.   

I doubt these shots of KJ will get anyone hot and bothered enough to grab their picket signs.  If you want to see a few men's underwear ads that did get people talking, check out some of my favorites on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Jack DePew by Jerry Buteyn

'One of the things I enjoy most about shooting is getting to know my subjects. I like to find out what makes them who they are and then bring that out in the shoot.'

I've been wanting to start watching Yellowjackets since reading reviews of the pilot last fall.  This past weekend, I finally dove in.  I'm only three episodes in, but was hooked five minutes into the pilot. Some scenes are a bit difficult to watch, but the incredible cast, well written characters, and the creative storytelling, make it well worth the journey.  I look forward to catching another three episodes when time allows this weekend.

One of my favorite storylines in the pilot, focused on the character of Shauna.  Shauna is played as an adult by the brilliant Melanie Lynskey who I recently enjoyed in Mrs. America and Castle Rock.  As a teen, Shauna is played by the equally compelling Sophie Nélisse.  Through Shauna we're also introduced to Jeff played as an adult by Warren Kole.  I first took notice of Warren during his stint on Riverdale, but sadly the show didn't really do much with his character.   

In the flashback scenes, we're introduced to Jeff as a teen played by actor Jack DePew.  I recognized Jack instantly, his beautiful face isn't one you're lucky to forget.  I wasn't sure though, exactly where I recognized him from.  I headed to IMDB and remembered that I'd seen him on episodes of The Fosters and 2 Broke Girls.  These were two shows that I actually didn't really watch, but in the case of 2 Broke Girls, I had to check it out after seeing stills of a shirtless Jack from the episode.

Since those early television appearance, Jack has gone to work consistently in film and on television. Some of his other roles include the film The Happys and appearances on Mad Men, Major Crimes, Modern Family as well as a regular role on series Extinct.  I was looking forward to seeing more of Jack, and teen Jeff, on Yellowjackets, but I think he only appeared in two episodes of the first season, the second, which I haven't seen yet, aired this past Sunday. 

When I was checking Jack's resume on IMDB,  I also had to check out his photo gallery. There were several beautiful portraits which I saw credited to a photographer whose work I've been fortunate to have featured on FH.  It was close to a decade ago that I first saw, and then was fortunate to feature the work of photographer, actor and director Jerry Buteyn.

In my previous piece showcasing Jerry's work, (Wanderlust) I featured some of my favorites shots from the talented artist.  There's a soulful, almost spiritual feel in Jerry's images, I think in part, due to the connection he has with his subjects.  Jerry not only shoots, and directs many up and coming actors, he also was one, appearing in several of the 80's most popular television shows.  Jerry also supports young talent through is work as a writer and director. 

Check out caps from some of Jack's roles, including his rear nude scene in The Happys on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Jerry Buteyn on Instagram

From Bedroom to Beach: Camden by StudioMGphotography

'With Camden, it was his youthful good looks, impish smile and twinkle in his eye, and fuzzy butt!'

I think anyone who purchased StudioMGphotography's book Bedtime Stories took note of the section featuring Camden.  Even if you didn't know his name, you certainly noticed that face, that twinkle, the body and Camden's beautiful fuzzy butt. 

Bedtime Stories was filled with pages full of amazingly hot men lying, dancing and jumping on, not to mention climaxing on the old pile of mattresses. Each one, including the man with the mirror, brought their own unique erotic intensity to the room and to the project.

Some of you who read my original piece (HERE:) on the project know the room wasn't exactly a bedroom, well at least not any longer.  The mattress room, was found completely by accident while Mark was shooting with FH favorite Bond.  

Part of Mark's process always includes exploration, and while he and Bond were exploring an old army base, they came upon a room in the barracks filled with piles of old mattresses.  Bond instinctively began jumping up and down, completely naked of course, on the mattresses.  A theme and a book were instantly conceived.

I first noticed Camden on Model Mayhem a year or two before his mattress mount.  Like Mark, I was struck by his beautiful face and great smile.  Camden got in touch with Mark before a planned trip to San Francisco to shoot with photographer Keith Ingram.  Camden hoped to work with Mark during his time in Northern California.

Turns out, Camden time on the West Coast was a shorter than he thought.  So short in fact, that he didn't really have time to fit in two shoots, not to mention the travel time required.  Thankfully, Camden was able to rearrange his schedule extend his stay.  This allowed for Keith to shoot him on the first day and  Mark on the next, just before Camden had to hop on a plane for his flight back home

'Camden and I squeezed three themes into that July afternoon we had to shoot: beach, the first being for Bedtime Stories. We even squeezed a couple of swimming pool images in at the end, but I think that was mostly just an opportunity for him to go skinny dipping!'

The second theme Camden and Mark explored was for Forbidden Art, Mark's upcoming book featuring men and graffiti.  Fans of Mark's work know that he often shoots in old abandoned buildings, meaning that graffiti often provides an colorful artistic backdrop for the men that he shoots.  Mark's done shooting for the project, and is currently selecting images before beginning the layout for the book.  He hopes to have it ready for release in the spring.

As you can see from these shot, Mark and Camden also found some time for a quick shoot at the beach.  In addition to shots of Camden lounging in the sand, I love that Mark also always manages to capture so many of his models doing their unique beach sand dance.  These images of Camden on the beach were not shot for either of the themed projects and I appreciate Mark sharing them with FH. Most of them, have not been seen before. 

'Camden was just 20 at the time, but seemed like a grounded and nice guy all 'round. He was already out of the Marines and in back in school studying dentistry. I was not his first shoot, nor in fact his only Northern California shoot on his trip out here.'

'He was a treat to create with, with his sexy boyish charms and twinkle in his eye! He was energetic and exuberant. Any suggestions I made he jumped in to make a reality, always with a smile.'
