I know many of you will hate me for this but...
I watched Lady Gaga's 'Telephone' yesterday several times. Lady Gaga is growing on me. I can't say I love her but I do see her vocal talent and performance brilliance. I have had a bit of an issue with her getting so much attention for being original. To me she has combined the greatness of several past artists from Madonna to Grace Jones (with several others in between). To me, pulling past greatness into one package has been her greatness.
My issue with 'Telephone' was two fold. Firstly, I felt the video got rather boring and lost focus once Gaga left the prison. Up to this point it had my full attention. After the prison scenes it seemed all flash and color.
Secondly (and this is the part some might disagree with...) As much as doing something with Gaga is a smart move for any artist... Was anyone other than me just a wee bit disappointed Beyonce chose to do this particular song and video? She looked amazing all Betty Paged up but it seems to go against so much of what she has tried to 'be' in interviews and performances. She is an actress I know, but this did not seem the Beyonce I know, it seemed to be a Beyonce trying to grab a bit of Gaga's attention and audience. I don't think she needed either.
Just my thoughts...