When I was in University I HATED research, but it has become one of my favorite parts of working on
FH. Although
FH is image based, I am proud it is more than just a
'right click, save' and post site. Sometimes it takes weeks to put together a post depending on the degree of research required. Sometimes, it takes hours just to get the info for one sentence. I would not have it any other way!
There are just a few of my favorite stories from 2011:
I did not pick any stories from my Photographer profiles as it would not be fair to choose and I loved working on each and every one of them.
Photographer Profiles:
Whenever an artist agrees to share their work with
FH I want to ensure the images are presented in the best way possible. A favorite staple of
FH is the photographer profiles. I try, especially in my first post on an artist, to find that special something I see in the within the images and try to put into words what drew me to them.

Shot above by
Marlen Boro19751992My look back at some of the iconic men who were a part of Playgirl magazine, including my interview with photographer
Greg Weinerhave been really interesting to put together. More in the works!
Beyond Betty & VeronicaJust fun to put together!
A Little Escape: It was fun looking back on some of the books I read as a kid that led to my love of reading.

Celebrity Profiles:
It was rewarding to have my recent posts on the
anniversary of The Blue Lagoon and profile of actor
William McNamara's new web series get the seal of approval from Randal and William.
Below: Randal Kleiser on set with Shields and Atkins.
Unfanning: I didn't really think my article questioning my admiration for a certain actor was that spectacular when writing it. It became a favorite of mine because it drew 14 comments and 4 e-mails, one which included a death threat. 14 comments may not seem extremely high but
FH gets a respectable 25,000 to 30,000 hits on any given day (more on the weekends) but pathetically few comments. Some of my biggest posts (biggest being stat hits and links to and... others borrowing for their blogs, usually without a link or credit) don't get many comments, but when I hit a nerve it is always a bit satisfying.

& Finally my profile of
Max Emerson last week. I notice on my stats the Rick Day post with Max got tons of hits but getting to him through the story was the one I enjoyed putting together.