'I like to keep things simple, clear and focused on the object so there had to be less accessories and a great way of using shadows and light.'
One of the most difficult, and enjoyable, tasks of working on
FH is choosing which images to use for each piece. When not using just one model or shoot, usually, I try to choose images that fit a specific story or theme I want as the focus. With Patrick, from
Photoby010, I could not let go of two contrasting themes that I felt weaved beautifully together.
It might partly be the date... Although summer officially began a few days ago, it has been cold and rainy here since season kicked off. Although most of us think of heat and beaches when we think of summer, I also have vivid memories of playing games inside, especially when on vacation, on cold and rainy days. Games usually come down to the static; games we play while sitting still, Monopoly, Clue, Chess or cards. Or games with movement such as Twister, Tag, any type of race or sport.

I think my favorite games however, were the ones that included moments of intense movement, balanced with moments of absolute stillness. There was intensity and dramatic tension to these games that I was reminded of when spending time with Patrick's work. Remember those moments playing games like Simon Says when you had to concentrate to remain static until you were sure the task was truly from Simon. Hide and Seek is probably the best example. A game where remaining quiet and still is as important as knowing when to switch to an energy burst to get back to home base.
Patrick heightens the dramatic tension with his use of darkness and light. There is a fascinating, and erotic, vulnerability created by focusing light solely on the naked body of the model. Surrounded by darkness, the models specific pose, either in stillness or movement, is crucial as there is no where else to look, nor nothing surrounding him to provide contrast or distraction.
Although his full time job is that of a real estate manager, Patrick considers his photography a great way get out all off the stress that his job can bring on. Patrick lives near Rotterdam in The Netherlands and although just 28, has spent pretty much all of those 28 years with a camera in his hand. Like many artists, Patrick's first subjects were nature and architecture. Patrick had a desire to express himself differently, to do something different than he saw in most of the commercial work around him.
'I often go out with the camera for a walk and see the great, small things around and it's awesome. A couple of years ago I rented a studio, but for now I have my own business with several high end studios in it.'
In his quest to create something new and different he began focusing on the male form a couple of years ago. Many photographers I have featured have talked about their passion for the male form and their decision to make it their focus. Patrick had a slightly different way to express this that I found interesting. Not only does
Patrick love the male form, but his goal is not only capture it physically, but to somehow tap into both the physical, and as importantly, the psychological power, great images of the male form can hold.
We all remember vividly those first visuals of the male form we saw growing up, and how they became permanently imprinted in our minds. I will never forget seeing an copy of People Magazine sitting in a pile of old magazines at a flea market when I was 7 or 8 years old. Christopher Atkins and Brooke Shields were on the cover and although I couldn't afford to purchase that pile of magazines, the power of that image impacted me enough to steal a copy I found in a dentist's waiting room about a year later.
Patrick says he lucked out the first time he shot his first nude model. The model was very experienced which helped make the shoot comfortable. Patrick also spend a lot of time discussing exactly what they both wanted before hand, so there were not surprises that popped up during the shoot.
Patrick reports finding models isn't difficult, the hard part is finding just the right model. He understands not every model wants to work without pants and is very flexible when it comes to working slowly with models who are nervous or inexperienced. It is important for him that all his models are comfortable with the process, and much of this occurs by putting in the time before a shoot, discussing with his models every aspect of the shoot to ensure they are comfortable. But... when it comes time for that actual shoot, Patrick believes just diving in is the best way to work on those nerves...
'Some photographers begin with clothed or underwear shots. I like to start shooting right off the bat with the full frontal naked shots. Working this way, the potentially scary part is gone right away, taking away the nerves immediately and making the remainder of the shoot much more comfortable and relaxed.'