The Golden Globes is usually one of the most fun awards shows to watch. First off, no one (except the HFPA) seems to take it that seriously. Secondly, round tables and alcohol guarantee some memorable moments.
I have never really been a huge fan of Rickey Gervais, I simply don't usually find him that funny. That being said I thought he was brilliant last night. Now I know there is something sort of rotten about inviting guests to a party and then roasting them but Gervais really only said what most of us actually think.
Just a few observations:

Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans (above): Hottest (and most boring) presenting combo.
Jennifer Love Hewitt nominated in the same category as Judi Dench??? (I believe this was a sign in the book of Revelations).
I am glad he is healthy but am I alone in not really ever getting the appeal of Michael Douglass?
Any one else ever so briefly question their sexuality when Halle Berry walked on stage?
Angelina Joie has certainly perfected those dagger looks.
Kudos to Glee, I do love the show yet...when I see the cast at award shows for some reason they annoy me.
I love being introduced to new projects and actors when watching award shows and last nights Golden Globes introduced me to Édgar Ramírez from

Above: Olivier Assayas, Édgar Ramírez, and producer Daniel Leconte.
Édgar Ramírez in
Thanks to
WinterType for the incredible caps!