When I was in University I often visited Montreal. I had a good friend who was studying at McGill and often spent long weekends visiting. My most vivid memories of Montreal were when I was there on a weekday when he was in class. On those days, I would head down Saint Catherine's street, board a subway and when the train came to a stop, I would come up to discover new and exciting parts of the city.
For those of you who have not visited Montreal, there is really no where like it in Canada. Quebec is not just another province or another country, it is a unique culture not found anywhere else on the continent. Old Montreal, located between the downtown and St. Lawrence River, is a visual masterpiece of stone and architecture. There is a unique visual magic, especially with the passing of seasons, winter in particular. I long to return to old Montreal, it has been awhile since my last visit.
It was about a year ago I first profiled Montreal artist Pierre Jean and his work with one of my favorite models,
Samuel Boux. I love Samuel's music and the intelligence and creativity in his work as a model. I am happy to be able to share his return in front of Pierre's lens. In the first piece, (
February 2011) I described the architecture, so central to Pierre's work. The use of basic shapes, crisp lines and vibrant primary colors weaved with the artists interest in abstract bodyscapes, create such incredible images. The lines, colors and textures, and here the coroplast and red fabric, beautifully contrast the strength and lines of Samuel's equally beautiful body.
'I just got a great set of flash and I am enjoying exploring the possibilities of freezing moments at 1/125s. I love the arrested fabric flowing like in a classical painting. Sam is one of these enthusiastic models, beautiful energy, always wanting collaborate and push my creativity. He brings a lot to a shoot.'
There is a musicality to Pierre's images of Samual, especially the images with the flowing red fabric. Movement so beautifully fluid even though frozen. Samual, as most of your remember, is an acoustic guitarist whose music I have shared before. You can check out some of Samual's close to 87 original compositions on
His Facebook Fan page