JULY 2010:
'more tease than sleaze' 
First two shots above of anon.
Before I contacted Kevin from haringman
PLUS, I wondered if his shots were pushing a boundary for FH. I try to walk a line of somewhere between a 'PG-13' site and an 'R.' Just my personal taste really, no other reason. But...from time to time there are shots I want to add which might push the 'R' just a bit. I finally decided I wanted Kevin's work on the site and furthermore loved the fact Kevin had the same question and posted so on his MM page.
I actually don't think any of the shots do. As I wrote above, Kevin says they are more 'tease than sleaze'. Kevin says he likes to mix it up a little, joining humour, quirkiness and sexiness together to get a result. In the end, I really wanted Kevin's work, these amazing shots on
I have only two requirements that must be met before contacting a photographer about showcasing their work. The first one is simple, I must really love the work and it must make me feel something. Given I spend some of my time each day looking at, describing and sharing the work of other artists, I must be passionate about it. Secondly, and most importantly, when I decide to profile an artists work I must see something new, something I have not seen before. This is not an easy task. Kevin's work is not only erotic, it is fresh, it is unique, new and most of all so much fun. I would love to hang one of Kevin's shots in my living room, well...maybe the bedroom, I don't need to deal with the reaction of Aunt Carolyn...

The creativity in Kevin's work is truly outstanding. Most of his shots begin with a similar canvas, a plain background and a camera angle that remains fairly constant. That is however where the similarities end. I was able to see hundreds of Kevin's shots and as you can see from the ones I have included here, each one then takes on a life of their own. Each one has it's own concept and with the use of props, simple fashion choices and the personality of the model, each one then takes on it's own life and it's own feel.
Benny Young.

Kevin started taking photographs when he was in Australia,
"I needed to earn some money to stay there, so I bluffed it. Since then I got better (i hope) and I travelled the world and had some fantastic opportunities, especially in Rio de Janeiro, working on fashion shoots. And I still like doing TFCD when time allows, it's refreshing." Below: Beautiful shot of
Conan Belletty.

I was curious how Kevin goes about choosing his models. Given Kevin's work is more about creating an artists statement than necessarily showcasing the model, I wondered how he went about approaching a model with his concept?
"When I make arrangements with a model, I ask them if they have specific requests, and then I direct them more towards what I think would work well with their style, their look, their shape and size. Luckily they seem to trust my judgement. I have a head full of ideas and projects, and when a model offers to work with me, I often know which project fits them. Of course, when they arrive, it may be a change of direction and revert to Plan B. Luckily I have only ever had 2 shoots that I would regard as disasters."Below: Joe.S

Asking a photographer to describe their style often gets mixed reactions. Many are not keen on labeling. Kevin paused but chose eclectic? It fit for my experience of Kevin's work when he said shots on his Plus page go for a sexy rather than sexual approach;
"Viewers can make their own minds up about the mixture of humour and quirkiness versus obvious editorial shots. I like to think that models get a variety of shots to choose from, and that they leave my place having had a good, fun, enjoyable time."A good, fun and enjoyable time is exactly how I would describe time spent with Kevin's work! Thanks Kevin for sharing your outstanding shots with
If you want to see more of Kevin's work check out his page on MM
HERE: and his plus site on MM
HERE: Also see much more on his official site haringman photography
HERE:Next two shots of
Kamil Kumorek.

Two shots below of
Richard Pepper.

Thiago Drewry.

Ville Kinos, who I have featured on
FH in the past.

Below: Such a creative shot with

Below: I think this shot of
William P. is my favorite.

Below: Kevin: A self portrait from and of the artist