Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for June 5th

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Happy Birthday today June 5th

Happy 50th to Marcus Patrick!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Succulent Selfies:

Another Blast: Billy Hufsey

'Like a kitten in a catnip patch, a meeting with Billy Hufsey is overwhelming, intoxicating-and a whole lot of fun.'

 This isn't my first blast back to the past with Billy Hufsey, I first featured him on the site about ten years ago. (HERE:) At the time, I wrote that I hadn't seen much of Billy on Fame, and to be honest, that hasn't really changed.  I was too young to watch Fame when it first aired, although I did catch a few episodes when it aired on a retro channel in the 1990's. 

I mostly knew the show through my mother.  Although I couldn't watch, I could listen to the music and my mother often played 'The Kids from Fame' on cassette while we were driving in the car.  All of my brothers and sisters complained, but I secretly enjoyed it, and sometimes snuck the cassette into my room to play when alone. 

I don't actually remember any songs with Billy singing on the soundtrack  but they may have been released before he joined series.  I mostly knew from Billy from his shirtless shots in magazines. I recently found some episodes on-line, and am working my way through the first season.  Although the music is bringing back memories, I'm not sure I'm going to make it to season three when Billy joins the show.

In addition to searching social media, tumblr and Tumblex for images, I also went back to see, and read Billy's Playgirl piece.   I wish I had a writer who would write a glowing, and profusely puffed piece about me one day....😏  In addition to being overly adoring, when reading, it literally screams 'the eighties'

From Playgirl:
As studly Christopher Donlon on TV's Fame, Billy sings, acts and dances a little.  But those are just three of his skills.  If he were to display the rest of them on the show, there wouldn't be any time left over for his co-stars, let alone a plot line.  Billy can also play the piano, trumpet, guitar, saxophone and drums.  He's a whiz at walking a tightrope, performing magic tricks and riding a unicycle.  He's proficient at gymnastics, and as a former undefeated Golden Gloves boxing champ, he has known how to spar since elementary school.

At one point there was serious consideration of a pro career in the ring, but a hyperextended elbow in 1976 halted that.  Instead, the fighter turned to disco dancing, where he promptly won the United States Singles Disco Championship in 1979.  By then, Billy was also a professional model.

'His macho friends weren't exactly thrilled by his 'sissy' interests, but Billy was never one to bow to pressure.'

Cliff Notes: Alex Smith by Will Belcher

'I first met Will on a content trip. Being a brand new model I did not know what to expect or even how to model or pose. Thankfully, Will gave me some pointers and actually helped me with facial expressions that I still  use in shoots. His youthful personality and confidence behind the camera really makes it easy to capture the best moments.'

I'm appreciative that photographer Will Belcher and model Alex Smith shared not only some of those 'best moments', but also thoughts on their work together.  As many of us know, so many great moments can happen in the woods, but that doesn't mean this shoot was all fun and games.  It took a little time, a little patience, and a fair amount of sweat and energy for Will and Alex to find just the right location.  

I think their patience paid off with the perfect spot to shoot.  I especially  love all the poses Will captured, and the way he used the natural light flowing down through the trees.  I also couldn't help wondering though, that after all those hours posing naked in the woods, whether Alex had someone he trusted to do a thorough tick check...😉

Philosophy about his work:
'I would have to say bringing the best out of that person whilst giving them the confidence to "BARE ALL!!" Not only naked but showing their personalities!! Also using my background in modeling ,and dance to help pose & position the models.'

How he felt after his first shoot?
I enjoyed not only capturing what seemed like an intimate moment, but after the shoot I gave this young man a confidence in his appearance, and made him love himself and his body a little bit more!! Which is when I realized I was actually pretty good at capturing something more Racy!! 

Connecting With Alex:
I got asked to participate in a trip with some models and be the second shooter with another photographer! There was no real plan so I just kind of thought of things i would like in my portfolio. and I dressed him in a what I felt like a Lumberjack would wear if he was in a pinup, while it is my Great Aunts Flannel I just love the colors, and he said he was part Scottish so I went with it! He was a great model that I am glad I got to work with!! 

Shooting With Alex:
My experience shooting Alex nude for the first time I actually got lucky to shoot with Alex twice!! Even though the first time was rough being as it was his first photoshoot ( we still got great shots) The second time we shot however he was like a "Seasoned Pro!!" (Almost overnight literally) I knew he had a special gift in him but i did not realize how talented he truly was until that moment!! He was great at listening to direction, and was easy to work with!! 

Well on this particular trip I was looking for an interesting location, because we were in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. I had a "Great Idea" to find a Cliff.... (Really wish sometimes I would tone down some of my ideas, but the artist on me won't accept that even to this very day) Anyways we hike for miles up this " STEEP ASS HILL!!"

It's funny now but we were ready to give up, but as soon as one of us wanted to give up the other would say no we have come this far... "We have to keep Going!!' this goes on for a hot minute..... And if you look at the photos you will know " THERE WAS NO EFFING CLIFF!!!" But I found this fallen tree on the top of the hill, and that's how you see the shots that came about!!

Favorite part about working with Alex:
Alex was quite easy to work with, and takes direction exceptionally well! He has a sort of charm about him that you can see from the images that I've captured. There's something about Alex that almost invites you in & makes you want to know more about him! sometimes its in his eyes and sometimes its other places...