'Cooper wanted to see what a nude photoshoot was like...'
I think Cooper's desire to find out what a nude photo shoot is one of the questions I try to answer every day on FH. There are so many stereotypes about male models, and especially models who shoot nudes. They are often wrapped in fantasy and projection, and rarely capture the truth. Sure, I've heard some crazy stories from shoots, about handsy photographers, unplanned erections and bizarre requests. For the most part however, when two artists get together, the erotic visuals may be erotic are created from long hours of hard work.
That being said, sensual visuals are meant to stimulate the senses and evoke fantasy. When I see a shoot that I love, I'm motivated to find out how it all came together. This was especially true when seeing Alex and Cooper's work with photographer David E. (
Images Male) I was also curious to learn more about
Alex and
Cooper, aspects of both their personal and modeling relationship.
Alex is an experienced model, having modeled with a variety of artists for close to a decade. Cooper is brand new to modeling, joining Alex in several shoots over the last two years. Although they have many things in common, they're two very different men, who often approach things very differently. What's interesting however, is that even before I knew they were married and together, I could see and feel the chemistry. Upon seeing my first images of them together, the connection was visible. I immedeately felt if they weren't a couple, they certainly should be.
You met at a Theatre production, did you instantly hit it off?I'm not usually one to kiss and tell, but there was definitely a connection from our first meeting
When we met, Alex and I started talking nitty gritty of lighting and costume changes etc. because I had been a stage and tech guy in theater in college and high school then our conversation immediately flowed to more nerdy things like Star Wars and video games .
What about him first drew your eye or attention?
What caught my eye was how earnest he is with his feelings and emotions. He was such a sweet guy and was unduly respectful right from the start.
Alex was of course shirtless for portion of the theater production I attended so his physique was very attractive. What really drew my eye however was how Alex was able to act when he was not the center of the scene or have any lines.. He was never dead faced or out of character.
Cooper, model David & Alex
Were you at all nervous to share with Cooper that you model nude?
I wasn't nervous, but I knew he didn't have the confidence to do it himself we first met. I'm glad I'm breaking him out of his shell (though it's made of adamantium...)
It was funny it didn’t come up in conversation for a bit and then I found his Instagram and was stunned. Some of my favorite shots were actually by David Ulrich , I always saw Alex as this really cool hot actor who happened to be a nerd and I was just the dorky lawyer and old theater techie (us techies always wanted to date but never could date the actors)
You both love Cosplay, do you have a favorite costume or character you love to go back to?
I have a few staple cosplays that I use: Maximillion Pegasus, Hades from Lore Olympus, and I've recently added Dracule Mihawk to my staples.
I recently did a sexy Batman that was a lot of fun. That is probably my favorite cosplay next to my wedding cosplay of course

Cooper joked that Alex sort of 'tricked' him into his first photoshoot with Wes. How did this happen?
Cooper wanted to see what a nude photoshoot was like, or photoshoots in general. So when I was in a shoot with Wes, I made an offhand remark that I'd love to get a few photos like I was doing of Cooper, and Wes basically commanded him to lose his pants haha.
So we were in NYC bc I had to attend CLE for work and Alex and Wes decided to meet up for lunch. Wes talked Alex into a quick shoot back at his studio (totally unplanned). Alex used a piece of red and blood cloth while Wes made his photography magic. I sat and watched. I was helping to adjust a light or move the fabric or something and I got into the shoot. Alex asked me to sit and unbuttoned my old school white collared shirt a few buttons exposing my chest (while distracting me with his smile)
That was the first “sexy” photo I ever took. After that and our engagement (at which Alex was in thong doing a burlesque number), Alex talked me into doing a full nude shoot with Wes. I agreed because I knew Wes. It was going to be professional and erotic but not pornography

Did you have any concerns about Cooper modeling nude?
None whatsoever.
I had a lot of reservations about posing nude mainly around my body and being out of shape. I also placed a lot of faith in Wes to fix things in photoshop. Our friends and my co-workers were Uber supportive. It was a bit unbelievable. Now, I get to tag along with Alex.
Given your experience as a model Alex, did you offer any advice or words of wisdom?
I gave him a few tips on how to pose and express himself. Whenever he smiles he uses his entire face, so I told him to soften his expression. I usually coach him off camera when he's solo, or I whisper in his ear as what to do when we're together.

Tell me about the shoot with with David?
For me, it was a fairly standard photoshoot. Though, I did do a lot more of lifting of other people than I normally do for a shoot. Most of the shots were David asking us to come up with another pose and we'd come up with something. David is always excited with his work. He's also very talented at lighting models.
David and Alex and the other model worked on each pose organically in the moment. I just kind of went were I was told . David is just intuitive and his knowledge of utilizing shadows is amazing. I hope to work with him more. He was edgy enough for you to know he knew all the kinks that existed but he was so easy going you would never know it.
I told him he took one of my all time favorite shots of Alex on pedestal giving the “shh” sign What I will remember most about that shoot is that I didn’t sleep the night before if I remember correctly. I had a deal closing that kept me up most of the night so I am sure I looked like crap.
Who was the third model and how did that come about?
The third model was also named David and he had just finished his own solo shoot and wanted to continue with Cooper and I.
So the other model was another David who oddly enough went to same law school as me. Just the nicest guy. We actually had dinner together later on to talk law school and modeling.

What is the best part of modeling together?
Cooper adds a level of entertainment to any shoot I do with him.
The best part of modeling is spending time with Alex. He makes the process so fun. And we usually get to explore a new place together when we go on a shoot.
The most challenging is trying to keep up physically with professional models like Alex. The diet nutritional discipline and the workouts. The amount of skin and self care it takes . I have not modeled without Alex so it's hard to gauge. His professionalism and talent as model leaves me in awe. Anyone who thinks you just show up smile and flex has no idea what goes into posing composition and all the stuff that make a shoot work. Alex helps pose me distract me when I get nervous and yes sometimes that involves silliness or kisses.

Are you looking to do more shoots together? If so, any dream scenarios or Cosplay ideas?
I'm always looking forward to doing more with Cooper, whether it's photoshoots or anything else. I definitely want to do more cosplay shoots with him.
I would love to do my shoots with Alex. We travel quite a bit, and would love to meet up and work with new photographers. I would also love to do a swimwear shoot. If I had the physique for it. I would like to do a Dr. Strange / Captain America shoot, a strip sort of thing.