Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Lindsay Lozon Does it again!
Canadian Photographer Lindsay Lozon is one of my favorites. Here is some of his latest work for Fantastics Mag with a spread entitled One Thing Leads to another. Check out the link to Fantastic Mag and Lindsay's site after the photos.
Lindsay Lozon official Site:
Fantastics Mag:
Favorite Pic of the Day for February 6th
Favorite Birthday Boy for Feb 6th Stefano Bettarini
Soccer hottie Stefano Bettarini turns 36 today.
Also Blowing out Candles today February 6th
Happy Birthday also to:
Michael Tucker (Above with wife Jill Eikenberry and Harry Hamlin from L.A. Law) turns 64 today.
Fabian Forte turns 65 today.
Mike Farrell from Mash, such a warm actor, turns 69 today.
Favorite Pic Series of The Day:
All pics above from my favorite Speedo Blog, Wet Speedos on the Brain, found
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