The story of Miley Cyrus and PH has been all over the media this week. I have read many 'takes' on the story, many of them struggling to get a viewpoint beyond either their hatred for Miley or especially for PH. I felt the need to jump
half way onto the bandwagon.
I am not a fan of either MC or of PH. There is little positive that I can say about PH. I think he does more damage to gay rights and the way people are perceived than almost anyone, including some of the worst homophobes. I find him vile and most of all cruel. Cruelty of any kind, including verbal cruelty, is something I have little tolerance for. In the past when I visited his site, I usually left feeling I needed a shower to wash off the dirt. I left his site for the last quite awhile ago.
The only good thing I can say about PH is that his site was one of many reasons I began FH. My category 'kudos' was a deliberate move to remind me to remember to regularly recognize the positives. That is not to say I do not from time to time write critical comments or critical posts. I do believe there is a clear difference with intent. PH makes his living by bringing down others. Dragging others out of the closet, shining a spotlight on the fears and insecurities and problems of people with no real reason other than to make money and to up his hit counter.

Above and Below: Model and singer Justin Gaston. (sorry I could not bring myself to post a shot of either MC or PH on the blog).
I would like nothing better than for PH to go away. But.... this story is not the story that should bring him down. I have read various interpretations about the law in this case, and no one really seems clear on it. Either way, using this issue to get PH somehow seems silly to me. What he did to Miley may get some up in arms, but these are the same people upset at the site of Janet Jackson's nipple. Anything related in anyway to sex gets the puritan masses all in a tizzy. His posting the picture does not come close to much of the vile cruel filth he prints using the letters on the keyboard IMO. I know many feel differently but his treatment of Dustin Lance Black was far more ugly. Yes I know Black is over 19 but if you look at the actual story, not at the actual pictures involved but directly at PH and what he wanted to get of the story you will see my point. Miley is regularly targeted on his site, he was going for a laugh. With DLB his intent was far darker.

Miley Cyrus is a kid. If PH is arrested for posting the picture, then so should her managers, agents and parents who allow her to do some of the sexually charged videos and performances that she does. Maybe Miley herself should be arrested for promoting seeing 'children' as sexual objects. Miley is pimped out by all those around her looking to make a buck off her career and someone truly needs to step in and stop her/them.
What I hope is the end result from this story is not an arrest. I hope all the beauty pageants, the talk shows, the entertainment shows cease to have PH as a guest. I do not understand why anyone would want him associated with their show or product. Maybe this story will ensure he no longer able to profit from bringing others down. But then again, don't be surprised if he is sitting at the host table on The View next week....
Just my two cents.