If your a regular reader of FH you know I have posted before about one of my favorite photographers Leigh Carter. This past June I posted a profile of Leigh's work with Nick Wolanski. (You can check out that post HERE:).
My favorite part of Leigh's site 'boy:gender is his 'In Bed' Series. Leigh recently updated his site with many more great shots including many more in his 'In Bed' series. Be sure to head over and check out his new additions HERE!!! While there also check out Leigh's great prints!!!
You know I love me some Scott Herman but never as much as today! Although there is still a lot of fight ahead, check out Scott's beautiful letter about Prop 8 being overturned
Congratulations California! I just heard the news. Unfortunately I got the news late as I was traveling to Chicago for Market Days. But as you all know I am big advocate for equality and would like to share my thoughts about this amazing achievement.
Prop 8 has been overturned and I am extremely thankful to be a part of the fight for equality. But we all know this is just the beginning. It is still going to be a continuous effort to help educate those who are still against gay equality and it is organizations such as GLAAD that say “Hey, let’s all get along!” that need more supporters and I will continue to do what I can to help GLAAD get the message out there. Yes this is a time for celebration, however I am not the kind of person who celebrates the calm before the storm. Now more than ever the “gay community” needs to work together to merge with the “straight community”. By this I mean for TRUE equality there needs to be one community that accepts everyone. That is when we will have true equality.
I get asked daily if I am gay and my answer is.. “Does it matter?” or “Will me being gay or straight impede your ability to lose weight or gain muscle?” We need to eliminate this NEED TO KNOW if someone is gay, straight, bi, or transgendered. Another common question asked is “Did you know Katelynn was transgendered when you met her on the Real World?” and my answer is “No”. I had no idea because I saw her as a person who I was going to be living with and wanted to get to know HER. The show didn’t dig that deep into the bond that Katelynn and I shared; but right off the bat we talked about comic books, fighting movies, and the Ninja Turtles. I saw her as a PERSON first because when you look at someone as a person you don’t care if they are gay or straight. When you look at someone as a person you’re not just trying to get them home to have sex with them; you are making a new friend and I am sure at some point along the way you will find out what that person’s sexual orientation is. If you and your new friend are male and he happens to be gay, AWESOME, maybe you will date. If he happens to be straight, well then you made a new friend and should be happy.
True equality lies in the hearts of those fighting for it and we need to make sure those hearts are in the right place.
We are all put in this world for different reasons and I know that I was put here to give strength and support to those who need it most. I was very introverted and picked on as a kid and when I found fitness it gave me the opportunity to accomplish goals and grow the confidence I needed to be myself. I share this message with as many people as I can because I know I am not just teaching fitness. I am teaching how to live a healthy lifestyle and a big part of that lifestyle is being confident.
I am excited to continue to embark on this journey for true equality and so far have met a lot of amazing people along the way. I may have the costume and shield but I know that I don’t need those things to be an ally to justice and fight for what I know to be right. I hope I never have to hear stories such as the death of Sean Kennedy ever again and I know, and am sure all of you will agree, that I don’t want to live in a world where one day I may have to fear for the lives of my children to be themselves when they leave the house. So yes, August 4th was an amazing day and we all need to mark our calendars with this enormous achievement, but let’s keep the fire burning until we can all put it out together.
- Scott Herman