Saturday, June 1, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for June 1st

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Happy Birthday today June 1st

Happy 28th to actor Tom Holland!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

This Used to be My Playground...

Franc Luz: Actors and (sort of) SKIN

I can't technically call this an actors & skin post as there is little to no nudity, but I did find several films in which actor Franc Luz is shirtless, and looking mighty fine.  I'm not sure Franc did any nudity during his appearances in Silk Stalkings, but finding episodes of that series is incredibly hard.  If anyone knows, shoot me a line!

Ghost Town (1988)

' A modern-day deputy tracks an abducted girl to a ghost town, and the spirits of the past who took her.'

Luz played more than a few Sherriff's and deputy's over the course of career, most notably in the 1988 western horror film Ghost Town.  Franc was he lead in this film, and looked really hot in and out of his deputy uniform.  The film holds up and looks great in HD, although the special effects for the ghosts is a little hit and miss.  I'd recommend it!  You can check out the trailer on YouTube HERE:HERE:

The Nest (1987)

'Horrifying shocker as a biological experiment goes haywire when meat-eating mutant roaches invade an island community, terrorizing a peaceful New England fishing village and hideously butchering its citizens.'

When I first saw the poster for the 1987 flick The Nest, I couldn't help but think of Moira Rose in The Crows Have Eyes.... Moira however was battling birds, but in the nest, the 'big bad' are scientifically altered cock roaches.  I love a great 80's insect flick, and I think The Nest is one of my favorite films from Luz.  If you also like cheesy insect movies, there is a really good copy of the full movie on Youtube  HERE:

Love Scenes (1984)

'An acclaimed actress makes an erotically-charged movie with her director husband, during which she has an affair with her arrogant co-star and he clashes with his diva screenwriter.'

Ok, I got way too excited when I found that Franc Luz had appeared in the 1984 softcore film, Love Scenes.  I read there was nudity, including male full frontal so frantically looked for a copy.  Indeed there is nudity, lots of breasts, and a little male nudity, frontal from extras, and a butt shot from actor Daniel Pilon.  

Luz has several love scenes, but only the love scene at the very end of the film shows even the slightest hint of butt.  If you squint, (and I did) you can see the silhouette of Franc's butt cheeks.  I wasn't disappointed though, I never expected to find anything, and to me, Franc's hottest feature is his beautiful face.

If you want to see a few more on FH from Love Scenes, including caps with actor Daniel Pilon, just click HERE:  If you want to check out the video of Franc's scene, I uploaded it to SendSpace HERE:

Stepping Stones: Seth Peterson by Michael von Redlich

'Seth is such an amazing model and has a great sense of himself - I enjoy all of our collaborations. '

If you've seen my previous pieces featuring the work of photographer Michael von Redlich, (HERE:) you may have noticed a pattern.  Although Michael has worked with both experienced models, and models new to shooting, many of earlier posts spotlighted his work with actors from adult films.  There are certainly advantages to shooting someone comfortable with posing nude, but there can also be complications.  

Many porn stars have agents and managers, and many have already formed an idea of how they want to be seen.  Although with some actors, this can add complications to the creative process, but Michael shares this definitely wasn't the case over his multiple shoots with Seth Peterson.  I of course had to bug Michael with questions about this shoot, and how began his artistic focus on the nude male form began. 

How did you find your first model to shoot nude? 
I was working at the YMCA in my hometown in Alabama.

On a scale from 1-10 how nervous was he? 
I was more nervous than he was - he was a bit younger than me, but seemed to know a lot more than I did about a lot of things

How nervous were you? 
I was extremely nervous but loved the interaction and the ability to create my own images. 

Did you do much preparation? 
Not at that time - I pretty much shot from the hip, and it worked. 

What was the set-up, studio, location? 
We shot both outdoors and inside the Y.  I had a key and we could shoot during closed times. 

How did it go? 
It went incredibly well - it was illuminating in many ways - photographically, artistically and personally. 

Was there one particular shoot or or model, that after the shoot, you felt you're on your way? 
Probably in the early 2000's when I worked with Ayden Andersen (former Frat-X model). Everything came together and the results were incredible. It led to new connections and new opportunities. 

Who was the first porn actor that you shot? 
I photographed a fellow in New Orleans in the 80's who was in films, but I cannot remember his name. Ayden was probably my first "name" model, but there have been many since then. 

How did shooting with adult film stars come about? 
There is an aspect of working with adult stars that simplifies things. I already know they are open and willing to nude work, so it minimizes the negotiation of how a shoot will go. The important factor I bring is that there is an understanding that things remain in their control the whole time - each model sets his limits and restrictions, and I respect that. 

What are the differences and downsides?
Non-porn models have a very different take and opinion on nude work and so I have to negotiate that conversation carefully.  Most of the adult actors I've shot have been amazing, but I've met a few guys who work in the porn industry who don't always positively handle the attention they can get.  I've had a few experiences with adult actors who didn't respect my time and profession and blowing off a session that I've traveled to them to shoot.

Do you have a favorite location to shoot? Overall, I prefer shooting outdoors 
I think nude work outdoors, It can be a very erotically charged environment.

Ever get kicked out of a location or had too many passers by to shoot? 
I've been VERY lucky in the area - I trust my feelings and instinct (Jedi Senses?) I've never been caught shooting while a model was nude, but there have been close calls - and I've never lost a location before.

Did you encounter any people, or animals during this shoot with Seth? 
When we were at Sycamore Creek, we did encounter some people (it is a known clothing-optional area) but they just said hello and moved on.  I'm planning on shooting with Seth again soon, and this time, I may go fully in-studio for a change.