Sunday, January 24, 2016

Favorite Pic of the Day for January 25th

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Happy Birthday today January 25th

Happy 31st to actor Michael Trevino!

Check out more of today's Birthday's HERE:

Trevino for Bench Body

FaVorite FiVe: George Payne

I am still pretty much a novice when it comes to porn, especially vintage porn. Although I love the male naked form, porn has never really been something I have sought out on any type of regular basis. Almost every time I feature a porn star on FH, it is not until after I have posted (and a blog readers comments about their movies or porn name) that I make the connection.

What I have learned however is that porn stars often make incredible models. Most are totally comfortable, and totally confident in front of the camera and some of my favorite themed shoots have been those involved in the industry. So... although I didn't initially know he was, when I saw the image of a hot naked man straddling a huge giant toothbrush, (last image below) I knew I had to find out more.

The naked man on the toothbrush is porn actor George Payne. Payne entered the porn industry in 1970's with the aptly titled movie The Back Row. Although he originally moved to New York to model, it was porn (both straight and gay) that became his career for the next decade or so. I have not seen any of Payne's films, but the stills from Centurians of Rome have me thinking it would be a good place to start.

Centurians of Rome

Naked Theology: DirtRoad by Noplacia Photography

'Adam answered, I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked: so I hid. And the Lord said Who told you that you were naked?'

It was back in 2013 that I first discovered the work of DirtRoad, and have been closely following model Warren Russell's work every since. One of the things I love best about Warren's work is how beautifully welcoming he is of being naked. Some male models are comfortable being nude, and enjoy the financial benefits of posing naked for photographers, artists or a classroom full of aspiring artists. Some accept that being naked is a part of the job and choose to grin, or grimace, and then bare it.

With Warren, the baring seems to come first, then followed by the grin. If you have been following my features of Warren's imagery, being naked isn't simply a part of his modeling and photography, it is a core part of how he lives and see's the world. Since last featuring Warren's imagery last winter, he has added quite a few new images to his tumblr, along with his thoughts on nudity, the bible and shame.

I have written many times before, that a model's comfortability with being naked often has an affect on the way I view an image. Although a model's nervousness can be captured in a sexy and erotic way, for me, only if that is the intent of the artist and photographer. I have seen too many images that the photographer is pushing as 'hot' where the model looks absolutely miserable. Just because someone is good looking and naked, doesn't always necessitate the images will be sexy, nor will be enjoyable to the viewer.

Warren's positive attitude and exhibitionism create an engaging and open feeling, allowing the viewer to enjoy his work, his body, without guilt or shame. This really is in many ways, the essence and the point of art which features the human body. Taking away the layers should be freeing, not limiting, and there are beautifully few limits in Warren's work.

Warren's positive energy was certainly something both noticed and appreciated by photographer Gary Larson from Noplacia Photography. 'Warren has a beaming smile. He radiates positivity, is patient with the photo shoot process, and is always very interesting in conversation.' I have been lucky to have been able to feature several of Gary's shoots with Warren, including some which helped celebrate last summer as well as this past Halloween.

Sadly, this is Gary's last call shoot with Warren, at least for the time being. The images showcased here are from their final shoot together last Autumn, prior to Gary moving a couple of States away from Washington State where he had been living. This time, the axe was left out of the shots, and Gary's goal was to focus on Warren engaging with the camera, creating a more intimate connection between Warren and those on the other side of the camera. Hopefully if Gary gets back to Washington we might get another encore, but for now we get to enjoy this set from last October. Thanks to Warren for again supporting my featuring his work and to Gary, who edited and sent the images on once he was settled in his new home.

Check out more of Warren's imagery on his tumblr HERE: & on Facebook HERE:

Quaternate: MStyles

MStyles was one of a trio of photographers whose work I was introduced to when putting together a feature back in 2011. (the two others, Gordon Nebeker and Richard Rothstein) The focus of the story was a dancing musician, who later went on to become a spiritual guru of sorts, who decided he wanted to spread more than just his ass across the world of the web. Although I was sad to lose the piece, I am forever grateful for the introduction to three such diverse and extraordinary artist.

The work of New York's MStyles always packs not just an erotic punch, but an emotionally visual one as well. I especially love the artists Apartment Project, which takes an intimate look into the lives, and homes of the men he is shooting. For some reason, winter seems to consistently draw me back to MStyles work. There is a melancholy that often comes over me on a cold January day that connects so beautifully to the images. No better time than, to look back at MStyles work on FH.