Ok, with this post people are either going to comment 'me too' (which I hope) or everyone is going to think I am an idiot.
I enjoy Judge Judy from time to time, sometimes she can be annoying, but often when not much is on, a little Judge Judy can be great background when I am doing some work. I have found myself recently drawn to some of the idiot defendants on the program. Yes, most are not that bright, most are not the nicest, most I would want nothing to do with in my real life. But... more than a few of them have provided a bit of eye candy on a cold winters day. If you think I am nuts, check out the show over a period of time, you get your fair share of losers, but once or twice a week there is a cutie on there who is drool worthy. (At least til they open their mouth anyway....)
(Note: The guy below is ok, but it was about the only picture I could find which even closely fit the theme of the post).