Thursday, June 13, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for June 14th

Alexander Skarsgård
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Stellan Skarsgård: Father Figure

'When you have kids, you see what's important.' 
Stellan Skarsgård

The Father of the acting, (and nude scene) dynasty, Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgård began his professional acting career at the age of 21.  The Swedish actor appeared mostly in Swedish films and television shows until 1985 when he made his American film debut in Noon White.  American audiences got to know Stellan from his roles in films including; The Hunt for Red October, Good Will Hunting and of course in Mamma Mia and it's sequel. 

Below: With Dan Ekborg in The Tragic Story and Hamlet (1984)

Stellan's first on-screen nude scene was in 1999's The Unbearable Likeness of Being, and has since appeared naked on screen over a half-a-dozen.  Like father, like sons they say and in addition to his good looks, Stellan obviously also passed on his attitude about nude scenes which clearly rubbed off on his four actor sons.

Mamma Mia (2008)

Although Stellan's last nude scene was over a decade ago, the now 73 year old continues to work steadily.  Movie goers last enjoyed Stellan on screen in Thor: Love and Thunder and as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen in the recent re-makes of Dune.  Below are two of my favorite nude scenes from Stellan.  All clips of the Skarsgård's scenes thanks to xyzpdq.

Breaking The Waves (1995)

'Oilman Jan is paralyzed in an accident. His wife, who prayed for his return, feels guilty; even more, when Jan urges her to have sex with another.;

'I've made six films for Disney, and they have a clause in their contracts called the morality clause that I've always refused to sign.'

Aberdeen (2000)

The Skarsgård's: Alexander & Bill

Alexander and Bill are arguably the most well known of the Skarsgård siblings, with Alexander being the oldest, and Bill being the forth son of Stellan and My Skarsgård.  Both have had long and successful career on television and film.  Both also have a long list of nude scene credits.  I included the two brothers together as I've featured many of their nude scenes previously on the site.


Often times, my favorite nude scene from an actor, ends up being my first introduction.  That's certainly the case with Alexander.  The first time I saw Alexander's ass was in the 2008 HBO mini-series Generation Kill.  You can see caps and a clip from that scene on FH HERE:

I can't not include a few clips from True Blood.  Oh, those Sunday nights I looked forward to butt shots from Alexander, Ryan Kwanten and Joe Manganiello.  There's also the brief frontal in the show's finale. (See clip below)

True Blood


I think Bill might be my favorite Skarsgård brother.  Over the years, I've tended to enjoy more of his the roles he's taken on television and in movies.  I think one of my favorites was in 2010's  Himlen är oskyldigt blå (Behind Blue Skies). You can check out the clip on FH HERE:, but the rumor was the frontal was a prosthetic. 

Most recently, I've been enjoying Bill in the  Netflix series Clark.  If you haven't seen it yet, Bill has had several nude scenes in the show's first season.


The story of Clark Olofsson, the man behind Stockholm syndrome, who fooled all of Sweden to love him despite his crimes.

The Skarsgård's: The Second Oldest, Gustaf

It's hard enough trying to break into acting, even without having a famous father and famous older brother already established in the business. 43 year old Gustaf Skarsgård was born four years after his older brother Alexander, but he's racing to catch up in the acting credits department.

Gustaf has been working steadily as an actor since the late 1980's.  I think American audiences really took notice when he appeared in five episodes of the HBO series Westworld.  Gustaf also appeared in last years Oscar winner Oppenheimer.

Like his famous father, Gustaf hasn't shied away from sharing the family jewels on screen with nude scenes in several TV shows and movies.  His most notable was probably his turn in the 2013 drama Vi. 

Vi (2013)

This is a story of IDA and KRISTER. It's about a relationship that goes to hell. They are both crazy in love but manage to strangle the supply of oxygen and adapt to each other in a way that will lead to catastrophic consequences.

The Skarsgård's: Valter, the Baby Brother

28 year old Valter Skarsgård is the youngest brother, and youngest sibling in the family.  Valter began acting in the early 2000's when he was just seven years old. American audiences may know Valter best from his appearances TV thriller series Black Lake.

Black Lake (2016-2018)

'An unsettling chain of events are set into motion when a group of young friends an visit an abandoned ski resort in the far reaches of Sweden.'

Valter Skarsgård on Instagram


Börje follows the story of Börje Salming, the first Swedish player who was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame, exploring his journey from his humble roots to becoming an NHL legend.

Valter's most recent credits have been his roles in the television series Börje and STHLM Blackout. Valter hasn't yet done the level of nudity that his famous brothers have, but he's still young and there's plenty of time...