'Once I get started and on a roll, I don't want to stop.'
FH viewers are aware how much I love the work of Tom Nakielski from Lights On Studio. Not only has Tom contributed so much to FH over the years, he's also been a source of support and inspiration. I intend to continue to reaching into Tom's archives as long as there is new work to showcase, and Tom doesn't get tired of my asking and stops replying and ghosts me. He wouldn't be the first...
For this piece, featuring mouthwatering
Malyk in and out of his hot leopard skins briefs, I decided to ask Tom about a few trade secrets from his time behind the camera. As you'll see, with some questions, Tom shared a lot, and was very open with his answers. With some other questions, he got a little cagey, and was more cautious with his answers. In both cases however, I loved hearing his responses, especially about the artists he follows and admires.
Do you still keep up with new models since you've retired?
I do check out Model Mayhem from time to time but it seems to becoming less active. I stopped doing the Model of the Day Contest because there was not many entrees and most were not very professional. The few photographers that I liked to compete with, also stopped competing, So it took the fun out of it. I took no pride in taking first place when I was the only entry.
Any names of models you'd like to shoot if could?
I think I expressed that I would have liked to shoot with Lucery. I contacted Tbendall several times but he never responded. Makes me feel like a loser. If I was still shooting I would contact Ymtonight. He is fairly new on MM.
There are a lot of models in Chicago that would be worth the travel time. There are not a lot of choice models in this area on Model Mayhem. As you know I always had difficulty finding new models. Perhaps I should have been more aggressive in seeking model from different states.

If you could shoot a famous actor, who would it be?
Chris Hemsworth Or Liam Hemsworth...who can tell them apart? Zac Efron can sing, dance and act, and Channing Tatum. All are heartthrobs and can make anyone drool and beg for them to take their shirts off....for starters.
If you could shoot a famous athlete, who would it be?
I am not much into sports but Tom Brady is a feast for the eyes. And David Beckman would have me on the edge of my seat hoping someone would accidently pull his shorts down when tackling the ball. Accidently? Not if it were me.
If you could shoot a famous Politian, who would it be?
Obama would be great to photograph. He is good looking, intelligent, humorous, a decent human being and I am a diehard Democrat.

Are you mentally critical of the work of other photographers?
I am always tuned into other photographers. Critical when I see how it could, in my opinion, have been done better. Improved lighting, better posing, appropriate propping. Lighting is the most critical to me. You can take an average looking person and make them more attractive.
I am more interested in analyzing photographers work that inspire me. How did they light it.? How did they use props in a creative way? Not so interested in what camera they use. It is all in the technique and the model/photographer connection.

Do you have any favorite photographers whose work you enjoy following?
I love exploring the works of Robert Mapplethorpe known for his controversial images i.e. man urinating on a crucifix. Jim French who founded Colt Studio's producing male magazines of high quality, Herb Ritts: fashion photographer and photographer of countless celebrities, Greg Gorman who photographed famous Hollywood icons, Bruce Weber who photographed for Vogue, Calvin Klein, GQ and more, and Hans Fahrmeyer whose work you have featured on FH. All of these photographers excel in lighting and portraying the male figure.
As a photographer, are they're secrets you're taking to the grave, i.e. models who may have hooked up after/during a shoot?
My secrets are indeed going to my grave.
Have you ever had a crush over one of your models?
I don't kiss and tell.
Is there one of your shoots you'd do over if you could?
There are some shoots that I would not want to do over but perhaps have extended. Once I get started and on a roll, I don't want to stop. But after 5 hours, the model is ready to call it a wrap.
Do you think AI will end the art of photographing the male form?
I am not sure about AI. I don't think it is capable of doing some of the creativity of a real live person. Yet. But it can do some convincing work. But a creative photographer can use it to enhance their work or as a tool to carry through their ideas.