Back in May, one of my favorite blogs, Beautiful, profiled beautiful Austrian Hannes Ortner. Along with the profile were a series of stunning images by Sandro and Maykson. I have been looking to find out more about Hannes since. What struck me most initially, besides his stunning good looks was that Hannes is not just a model, not just someone seeking the spotlight. What struck me was Hannes is a professional linquist with his own online Linguistics-Consulting business. Somehow this made him even hotter! I found his story fascinating, not to mention a bit familiar. Instead of simply copying the work of Beautiful, please check out their great profile of Hannes HERE:
Below: Hannes by Sandro and Maykson Photographer: Sandro Mantovani Art Direction: Maykson Ribet See More of Sandro and Maykson HERE: