Friday, June 14, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for June 15th

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I Google the strangest things for FH, especially before a holiday.  This year, when I was thinking of subjects to use for Father's Day weekend, I typed almost every 'daddy' phrase that I could imagine.  One of the combinations that I used was 'nude daddy paparazzi' and Voilà, up popped the series below.

The images of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his family are obviously quite old, he and Maria Shriver divorced a few years ago.  I'm guessing these were taken over a decade ago, somewhere around 2011 or 2012.  They were new to me however, and I knew I wanted to share.

It wasn't just that Arnold was in his 'full father' role in the shots, it was his changing near where his family was gathered.  The shots below brought back many memories of my own family at the beach.  My dad also wore a black speedo when I was kid in the eighties, and always changed out of it before our long drive home. 

He usually changed beside the car, sometimes using a towel to cover if there were others around.  If no one was near, he didn't bother with the towel, or care in the least that my siblings and I were right there.  We didn't care, we were usually complaining, asking him to hurry as we were sitting in the hot car and wanted him to get in and turn on the AC.

Instagrams that Inspire: Rodney

So, I know next to nothing about this hot stud, except his name is Rodney, and after seeing one of his images, went on the hunt to see more.  In the first image I came across, Rodney was in a tiny speedo, and I was hoping to find more of him in his skimpy swimwear.  I found more than I was hoping for, image wise that is.

Thanks to Twitter, I found several nudes, and thanks to a male nudity form, I also found his Instagram page.  What I wasn't able to find was much info.  I attempted to contact Rodney on Instagram, but unless you mutually follow each other, it's hard to get a message through.  Instagram puts those messages in a separate folder, that most don't see, unless they purposely take the additional steps to find.

If I do hear back from Rodney, I'll let you know, and until then, you can take a peek at his Instagram yourself HERE:

Daniel the DILF

'My father and I never talked. He just wanted me around, the way Tom Garrison wants Gene around. Just to be there, be possessed'
Daniel J. Travanti

First off let me say I know very little about actor Daniel J. Travanti.  I don't think I've ever seen any of his films or television shows.  I was still a little kid when Hill St. Blues was on the air.  Because of all the great things I read, I was tempted to buy the DVD's or finding it streaming on-line, but I just never got motivated enough to start.

This post about Daniel arose when I was searching for 'hot TV daddies' to feature this weekend.  A few shots of a shirtless Daniel popped up, as well as a couple in his undies.  There were also many speedo shots from his time on Battle of the Network Stars, but I put most of those aside for later.

When I started to Google the now 84 Travanti, I didn't expect to find so many hot images.  I did expect however, to find a list of his children and maybe an ex-wife or two.  Although a mighty fine grandaddy, Travanti never had any children, nor an ex-wife or even girlfriend that I could find.  I don't like speculating on anyone's sexuality, but his not having any children or a wife had me wanting to feature this hot daddy even more....

'Actors are supersensitive. We`re emotional creatures. That`s what we deal in. That`s what we sell.'

Sadly my research also didn't turn up any on-screen nudity.  The closest I came was the 1988 thriller Midnight Crossing.  Although there was no nudity from Travanti, he did spend about half the film in a black speedo.  The movie also starred Faye Dunaway, Kim Cattrall and John Laughlin.  Laughlin also looked really hot in the film, and some may remember my previous posts featuring his on-screen nude scenes. (HERE:)  With that cast, I'm sure there are some interesting stories from the set!

Speedo Season

Midnight Crossing (1988)

Academy Award winner Faye Dunaway, Daniel j. Travanti, John Laughlin, Kim Cattrall and Ned Beatty star in a twisted suspense thriller of murder, lust and greed.

Daddy of Distinction: Ryan St. Michael by TR Pics

'I'm an exhibitionist and I love showing off.'

Were you comfortable being nude in public(nude beaches) prior to modeling? 
I'm an exhibitionist and I love showing off - but I would not consider myself a nudist. I find it extremely erotic to strip down in front of someone. I'm not big on nude beaches - sure, I like eye candy, but I also adore tan lines and so I prefer to be in a Speedo when I'm in the sun. I definitely enjoy stripping down and feeling eyes on me in a locker room or bathhouse...and I've known that about myself for countless years. 

What made you choose 'Searsucker Stud" as your initial credit?
It was in the early days of my sexy Instagram account. I was such a fan of so many sexy guys on that platform...and my favorites had a clever or cute moniker. When I thought about my style, personality and aesthetic - it was inescapably southern. In my captions I regularly used "y'all" and my attire included seersucker and bow ties. I brainstormed with a great friend named Januari and we came up with the name "Seersucker Stud." It was my handle for quite a while until I changed to Ryan St. Michael after entry into professional porn. 

How did you connect with Tom from TR Pics? 
I'm sure it was Instagram. I did my first shoot with him when I was staying at an AirBnb in Dallas in the Fall of 2021. I had only recently launched my OnlyFans - and so our time together included a photoshoot that went from mild to wild: seersucker suit, briefs + jocks and then fully nude. After the photoshoot he graciously agreed to film a solo stroke session that I could use within my new OnlyFans. Tom and I had a blast. He's kind and funny...and you can tell that he really loves doing this. 

What was your favorite part about working with Tom? 
I can't say enough good things about Tom. We communicate very well. We have a mutual appreciation for attention to detail. After that first photoshoot, we stayed in touch. We've done three or four photoshoots since the original. Early on, he offered to help me with by video editing. To that end, he has been a major part of the growth and success of my career. I am eternally grateful for his help and expertise. 

How do you feel about being labeled a 'daddy'? 
I'm into it. I mean I do think there are stages of "daddy." I'm still passing as a "young dad" or "dad next door." And I'm sure I'll gladly embrace the "silver daddy" when my grey hair comes in even more. It's a dynamic that I enjoy during private hookups. I certainly have a kink for daddy + son roleplay. And, to be very honest, when I'm on the apps or looking to hookup, I'm kind of inundated with requests for it. 😬 I'm not complaining... 

Are there any downsides to being a 'daddy' in the films? Does it typecast you? 
I don't think so. I like it - and I think studios have me on their roster when they need a daddy, or rather "step-dad." 😉 In addition to an actual daddy role, I'm also ripe for roles with the Mormon or Scout theme. I have no piercings. No tattoos. My haircut is close-cropped. When I first shot with Say Uncle for Family Dick, I showed up on set in my regular clothes. The director looked at me and said "can you wear that for filming?" I totally dress like a "dad" in real life, New Balances and all. 

What is your personal definition of a 'daddy'? 
This is a great question and I appreciate it. I'm not a "dom" daddy. My personal definition of a daddy is someone that's in control - but he's kind and considerate - he wants to really take care of his boy to ensure that he's comfortable and fully satisfied. I believe in and love communication before, during and after sex. I ask if he's ready to have sex. I like to ask what position will be most comfortable for him to start. Consent is hot. I know many guys crave a dominant daddy that doesn't ask questions and gives commands but that's just not me.

What most surprised you about working in the industry that you didn't expect? 
I'm very fortunate - everyone has been extremely kind...most especially the crews that I've worked with. You do hear horror stories about unreasonable hours and impossible demands. The teams of professionals that I've worked with have been so patient, affirming and communicative - ensuring that I'm comfortable in all stages of film production

Do you have a favorite scene, or a favorite scene partner that you've shot? 
It's so totally impossible to answer this question. 😅 But if I'm forced to pick, I'd say my favorite scene partner was Dante Clark. We filmed Missionary Boys in Miami together in March of this year for Say Uncle. We had such an amazing connection. The studio put us up in an Airbnb in the Little Havana district. After filming we'd enjoy very cute restaurants, shops and just wandering the neighborhood together. It was very much a boyfriend experience. 

My favorite scene I'll have to say was with Carnal for Boy for Sale. 4 daddies, including Legrand Wolf, are sitting around a gorgeous, well-appointed living room discussing moving their operations into Argentina. Each daddy has a boy next to him in a black bowtie and a black jock. At the onset they rub our shoulders, take our shoes off, get us a drink. Then, it progresses to full-on raw fucking. The boys then rotate like an assembly line and go from daddy to daddy. I fucked all four: Serg Shepard, Chase Tyler, Cole Blue and Clayton Foster. It was unreal. It was my peak moment in life. 

Have you lost your composure or started laughing during a scene? 
I have definitely started laughing during a scene. One with Carnal when we were filming for Scout Boys. I cannot remember the line but it somehow had a tongue twister in it. I totally flubbed it. Said oh sorry y'all lemme do that part again. Then, literally repeated the exact same flubbed dialogue. It was a trip and everyone laughed. Haha on the third try I nailed it. In my experience, there aren't a lot of cuts and breaks until the scene wraps. Generally shooting a scene takes about an hour - and often you'll shoot one in the morning and then one in the afternoon. 

Any current adult film actor (past or present) you'd love to work with? 
Gosh - after meeting him at the Grabby's (and chatting some after...) I now have a big crush on Sir Peter. It would be a dream to film with him. I also adore Beau Butler and I really admire the way he's strong at content across platforms. I'm a massive Legrand Wolf fan and so it's been a huge honor to work with him. Historically, my favorite porn star was Lukas Ridgeston.