Tuesday, January 19, 2021
djunderground123: Archie Gets Pantsed!
With Riverdale returning this week, I thought it was a good time to share this artwork series from artist and illustrator DJ (djunderground123) Many of us have fantasied about an Archie and Kevin hook-up, especially when watching those wrestling scenes that DJ used as inspiration for this set of images..
You can buy the full uncensored series of 9 images for a low price by checking out DJ;s work on Gumroad HERE: As Archie flexes and soaks up the adoration from the audience, thanks to Kevin, you'll also see that Archie lose more and more of his dignity amongst the cheering crowds and fellow wrestlers!
Prime Time Supporters: Raymond Lee

'You Want This?'
Sparked: Malyk by PR PHOTO
Although he didn't quite have enough pieces to make A Baker's Dozen, FH readers are well aware of the smoky sensuality of Michigan based model Malyk. I was first introduced to Malyk's work through his work with PR PHOTO and began featuring their creative collaborations back in 2018. (HERE:) Since then, I been fortunate to have featured more of Malyk's work with both PR PHOTO as well as his work with Tom from Lights On Studio.