Saturday, May 30, 2020

Favorite Pic of the Day for May 31st

-See More Below-

Happy Birthday today May 31st

Happy 70th to actor Gregory Harrison!

Check out more of Gregory on FH HERE:
& More of today's Birthdays HERE:

Let The Sunshine In

I often head back to the 1970's for themed pieces on the site. This week, an image had me going a decade earlier to the 1960's. While looking for images however, I learned many of those 'vintage' shots that I found, were far more recent. Check out more on PAGE 2 HERE:


With so many public festivals, runs and races being cancelled this year, I'd thought I'd take a look back at one of my favorites from the past.  It seems no matter the event, nor how many naked bodies are on display, there's always one that stands out.  In this race, for me it's #26.

These shots come from the Roskilde Race, part of the annual  Danish Festival of Roskilde.  I've featured the run before, and in 2017, it was #14 (HERE:) that I had my eye on.  This year, my pick would have paid off, as it looks like #26 went on to come in first in the men's division.

Quietly Cocky: Joey by macpics

'Joey was obviously at ease being in front of the camera and being naked, and there seemed to be a quietly cocky look in his eye which caught my attention.'

Australia is known for it's marsupials, most notably the kangaroo, with their strong powerful legs and muscular tail. As you can see from this series of images, this particular young Joey, has emerged from his pouch a healthy, strong and sexy young buck.

Ian from macpics is always on the hunt for new models to shoot and when he spotted Joey on Model Mayhem, he knew instantly he wanted to work with him. For most photographers and models however, shootings have been on hold due to Covid 19.  Ian wasn't initially sure when and if, he and Joey might be able to schedule a session. 

So many shoots had to be cancelled or postponed, and anxious to get back to work, Ian's has been closing watching the progress of the pandemic.  Lucky, both photographer and model live in Melbourne, where throughout the month of May, restrictions have been slowing easing. As soon as it was safe to do so, a shoot was quickly scheduled.

Joey's confidence is visible within his images, and his ease and comfort with being naked in front of the camera only adds to his appeal.  There is a raw sexual energy that exudes from both his eyes and smile.   Despite his tall, 6'2" frame, and that quietly cocky look,  Joey's smile, along with his beautiful brown eyes, are instantly engaging.

'Joey's actually a bit of a pussy-cat. It couldn't have been easier shooting with him. He was cooperative in every way, added suggestions and moved furniture around for me.Emoji He also smiles very easily and naturally. Oh, and he makes delicious coffee. Well, he is Italian, after all!'

'Working with Ian was a very enjoyable experience. As a very experienced photographer, Ian has an exceptional eye for detail in getting the perfect shot. Most importantly, he’s always making you smile naturally with witty comments, which helps bring out your best features.'

As usual, Ian made it a difficult task to narrow down shots. Many of the images Ian initially sent on were a wee bit more explicit than those that I usually feature. I asked Ian if he had any additional clothed, or implied images to mix in with the shots he sent.  He didn't, and let me know it wasn't exactly a 'tame' shoot.... Although he's both a fashion and fitness model, this shoot... didn't include much fashion.  Fortunately, Joey has started a Just For Fans for those images he describes as 'extra naughty'.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Favorite Pic of the Day for May 30th

A Room With A View

~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

Happy Birthday today May 30th

Happy 62nd to actor Ted McGinley!

Check out more of Ted on FH HERE:HERE:
& More of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE: &HERE:

Knee Deep

It was tried peacefully. Quietly taking the knee on Sunday afternoons. The protester, the hero, lost his job, lost his team. It was met with ridicule and called Un-American. It was mocked by a 'fake protest' by the VP and ugliest and loudest comments, from from the countries unstable and racist leader. I don't condone violence, and it rarely brings positive change. When all else fails, and temperatures are not turned down, pots boil over. When a peaceful act of protest is mocked and ignored, what options are left?

Patrick Criado in Mar de plástico

'In a town in southern Spain where racial tensions run high among the workers in its many greenhouses, a cop investigates the murder of a young woman.'

Although this scene is a few years old, when I recently saw this clip from the Spanish drama Mar de plástico, I had to find out more about the actor in focus.  The Madrid born Patrick Criado plays Fernando in the series, and as you can see from the clip, has got himself in some hot water...

Embarrassment, even humiliation are recurrent themes often used when actors are naked on screen.  This is done in a variety of ways, especially with females.  With men, one of the recurring ways to get their clothes off, is the always popular prison scene.  Prison showers, strip searches, and yes, abuse by guards.  In addition to be a easy way to include exposure, there is nothing more vulnerable that having to strip down in front of someone who has total, and utter control over you and your freedom.

These scenes can go back and forth between disturbing and arousing, depending on how they are written and shot.   When the actor is as hot as Patrick, it's hard not to be aroused, which of course, is usually the point.

Mar de plástico

Under the Rainbow

Love, Bums and Drum Circles

Recently, I came upon an image,  (second to last at the bottom) of a group of naked men dancing in what appears to be a drum circle.  At first, I assumed it must have been taken during the sixties or seventies, but a closer look had me second guessing my initial assumption.  The image was so clear and  colors so vivid, even with editing, I wasn't sure it could have been as old as I assumed.

A quick image search gave me both the answer, and an interesting read.  In Vice Spain, writer Denis Vejas opened the door to Love, Bums and Drum Circles, and Modern-Day Hippie.  There are many variations of modern-day hippie gatherings, but the group in focus was The Rainbow Family Gatherings.

'The Rainbow Family is an anarchist, utopian, new age community that comes together during Rainbow Gatherings. The emphasis during those gatherings is on freedom and love. There is no entrance fee, no hierarchy and no actual organisation behind the gatherings'

The gatherings started in the early 70's, a few years after Woodstock.  They didn't start out to be huge events, initially it was a just a small group.  Over the years, they've grown and today can have as many 20,000 people in attendance.

It was surprisingly hard to find authentic images from the sixties.  I found tons of sites with images described as being from Woodstock or the sixties, but I often recognized the model (usually in dreads) and knew the shots were taken fairly recently.  The images included here span the sixties, seventies and beyond.   Instead of focusing on just one decade, I decided to just include some of my favorites.

'Let it fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees'

Woodstock 1969

Next 3 shots from Rebecca Rütten