Sunday, August 7, 2022

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 8th

Seamus O'Reilly by JW Johnson
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~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

Sweet Escape

Taking a little break can do a body good.... Shawn Mendes today in Miami

Two in Red

Since I seem to be celebrating wet redheads today, it seemed like a perfect day to feature The Martinez Twins.  Check out some of my favorites shots on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Blast from the Past: Pat Petersen

I never watched much Knots Landing when I was a kid.  My parents watched Dallas, and because it aired on Friday nights, I often was allowed to stay up and watch before being ushered to bed.  Knots Landing however, was on a school night, so it wasn't until I was older that I got to know the inhabitants of the California cul-de-sac.  

To be honest, I still haven't watched that much of Knots  just a few episodes here and there when Soapnet was on the air.  I did buy the DVD's of the first two seasons (the only seasons available) but just couldn't get into it.  Hopefully since Warner is working on scanning the old episodes of Dallas for a HD update, Knots Landing might be next.  I may just get into it when the entire 12 seasons are able to be streamed.

From those episodes I have seen however, I learned a couple of things.  Joan Van Ark was over-rated, Constance McCashin (Laura) should have never been written out, and Pat Petersen was a cutie.  It's always difficult when an actor moves from cute kid to hot adult on a television show.  Petersen started his role as Michael when he was just 13 but played the role throughout his teens until he turned  25.  

This meant that Petersen played the cute kid for the first half of his time on the show, to the hot young guy who had an affair with his step-sister. (Nicolette Sheridan)  Sadly Knots Landing seems to have marked the end of Petersen's acting career.  He had quite a decent resume of television appearances prior to getting the role on the Prime-Time soap, but playing Michael is his last credited role. 

The Fiargate Kids

I'd actually forgot about my mini-crush on Michael until seeing a recent image of Petersen posted on Twitter,  I tried to find some recent info, or any recent jobs he might have, but there was little out there, not even a social media page, at least not one that I could find.  His Wikipedia page does briefly state he moved into the health food business and that he's married with two children.

Circus of the Stars (1986)

Blast From The Past was one of the first regular features I started when I began FH.  It remains a favorite to look back at some of the performers I remember while growing up.  I've been wanting to start an archive, putting all the posts together,  for all the men that I've covered and finally found the time to put it together.  Check it out on THE NEXT PAGE HERE:

Celebrity sporting event with Kim Fields

JW Johnson: The Summer of Seamus

'Seamus is easily one of the hottest models, and hottest gingers,  I have ever met and photographed.'

Regular FH readers know how much I love to visually follow the seasons. In addition to my regular 'seasonal sightings,' I love to align my posts with the weather, the colors and themes of the time of year and month that I'm posting.  Given the dogs days of summer are coming to an end, and the heat and humidity blanketing most of America, it was time to return to one of my favorite locations for summer themed shoots.

If you've followed my previous pieces featuring the work of JW Johnson, you're probably familiar with the farm.  So many of my favorite images from JW's shoots were taken in the barn, on the porch, by the pool and in the fields and gardens of the farm belonging to one of JW's good friends.  The location is spectacular, with an endless supply of buildings and places to shoot.  

When I was looking for summer themed shoots last month, I headed over to JW's site to check more shoots from the farm.  I found several that I wanted to featured, but one of my favorites was JW's work with model Seamus O'Reilly.  Lover of the male form, and lovers of gingers are surely aware of Seamus and his work, some of which I've been fortunate to have featured previously on the site. (HERE:)

When I got in touch with JW about featuring his work with Seamus, he was all in.  He shot Seamus all  over the farm, both inside the main house, in the gardens, in the barn and this set of images by the pool. JW did however, share the sad news that his friend who owned the farm had just recently died.  I thought it might be appropriate to put the piece on hold, but then thought it might be a nice tribute to the home his friend so loved and took such great care of. 

The property is huge, with the main house, shed and barns. It is also the home to many animals including his friends beloved horses and peacocks.  The property is also so immaculately kept, clearly exhibiting the love and care the owner had for his home and property.  Even checking out this this series by the pool, just looking around and beyond the stunning Seamus, you can see how everything looks so beautifully placed and maintained.  

This shoot took place a couple of summers ago.  JW had met Seamus through another photographer who had taken some beautiful windowlight images of Seamus that JW really loved.  After the photographer connected the two, a date and time was set to shoot at the farm.  The farm owner loved to have his home featured, and also enjoyed meeting the many models that JW brought over to shoot.  Given Seamus has a bit of a following, the farm owner actually had a few of his friends ask if they could come and observe.   

Seamus didn't seem to mind having an audience. Even after one of the property owner's visitors  followed him all over the farm and into the barn where they were shooting.  Seamus remained friendly and respectful when this particular visitor got a little pushy, looking for a little of Seamus' attention, by trying to interrupt the shoot.  Seamus just smiled and he and JW just continued on with their work.

Although gingers need to be careful with sun, especially with the amount of sun exposure on their skin. Seamus as you know however, is used to his skin being exposed, and was up for a day on the farm, and especially some time by the pool.  After stripping off his clothes and lathering on the sunscreen, Seamus was good to go

'Seamus was so fun and open to work with, more than many of the models that I have photographed over the years. He's very laid back, talkative, with a natural smile on his face that he kept all through the 4 hour shoot at the farm.  Seamus could go from having an air of innocence to the naughty look really fast and I saw and photographed each and every look he gave me throughout the day. '
JW Johnson

One of the benefits of using the sun's natural light is how the light rays cascade over the body and skin.  I especially like how in some shots, the sun lit Seamus' ginger pubic hair with a flame of color and light.   If you look closely at Seamus' crotch in his speedo, as one does, you may have noticed the colorful budge created by the model's stunning peacock.  JW reports that Seamus brought his own swimwear to the shoot and they looked spectacular, especially when this particular bird was spreading his feather.

Like many models, in-between takes, Seamus would relax, usually on one of the chaise lounge chairs, and pull out his phone.  One of my favorite shots is the candid shot above that JW took in the spur of the moment.   JW came around the corner and spotted Seamus on the chaise and knew the moment required an impromptu photo to be shot.

As stated, JW spent four hours capturing Seamus in various locations all over the farm and property. One of Seamus' favorite set-ups was posing and straddling the farm owners Harley Davidson.  This also provided Seamus with the opportunity to wear some of the leather that he'd brought with him.  The shots with the motorcycle are very hot, so hot in fact, I wasn't sure whether to include them on FH.  Thank goodness however, I have The OVER-FLOW site.  Check them out HERE: