After recently completing the second season of Damages, I was pleasantly surprised how great it was. I thought the first season was so good that I was sure the show was going to suffer a bit of a sophomore slump. It didn't.
Certainly the mystery was not as intriguing as in season 1, but all in all the second seasons story held up quite well. Damages has made me a Ted Danson fan, and up til this show I never really liked him. Although I miss some of season ones characters (especially Zeljko Ivanek), I love how the show builds a new supporting cast each season. Also nice the show kept on Anastasia Griffith, who I think adds a lot to the show. William Hurt and Marcia Gay Harden stood out. I was less enthused about Timothy Olyphant's character who really only got in the way. There were plenty of characters out to get Rose Brynes's Ellen, that his character seemed unnecessary.
I must say I developed a wee crush on Glenn Kessler who not only played Agent L.J. Werner this season, but is also one of the shows writers and producers.
Glenn Close rocks each and every scene she is in and it was nice to see a focus on her family in the second season. I especially love her relationship with her son Michael (see more below) and hope it continues to get explored in future seasons. Already looking forward to season 3, which for me will wait until it's DVD release.
One of my favorite actors in the first two seasons of 'Damages' is Zachary Booth. Zachary playes Michael Hewes, Patty's son. The relationship between Patty and Michael is a complicated one. Michael might be the only person Patty actually cares about and therefore she spends a lot of her time trying to control him. Of course, this means Michael must spend his time trying to rebel and take control over his own life. The relationship is one of my favorites to watch and as played by Close and Booth is both loving and one with confusing boundaries with a hint of sexual tension which makes it even that much more complex.
27 year old Zachary Booth is a great actor who I really hope gets more to do on the show. Zachary has an extensive theatre background and as well has been in some interesting movies the past couple of years including; Assassination of a High School Presidentlast and last years 'Taking Woodstock' by directer Ang Lee (see below). Zachary also starred as the openly gay teen Ethan in MTV's 'What Goes On'. Zachary's talent is matched by his beauty, with a face which belongs on the big screen.
Below: Zachary with Glenn Close at the season 3 premier party for 'Damages'
Below: Zachary in 'Nick & Norah's Infinite Playist (2008).
Below: Promo shots from the Playwrights Horizons production of 'Prayer For My Enemy'. See more about the production HERE: Zachary has been involved in several productions for Playwwrite Horizons. Above: Zachary with Jonathan Groff and Cassie Beck
Below: Zachary with Jonathan Groff
Below: Zachary photographed by Miguel Villalobos. Promo shots for the upcoming 'After Louie'. Filmaker Vincent Gagliostro's first feature based on the short story 'After Louie' written by William Wilson.
29 year old Ville Kinos hails from Finland but has lived in Liverpool the past 7 years. Ville has a beautiful face and a great body that he works at keeping fit through pole dancing and gymnastics. Love Ville's look and the freedom he expresses in front of the camera. Researching Ville also introduced me to several new photographers whose work I will be showcasing in the future.
Love the name of the photographer of the next two shots of Ville, Boarding In Five.
Ville Kinos Stats: Height: 5' 8" Weight: 172 lbs Shoe size: 10 Hair color: Brown Hair length: Short Eye color: Blue Skin color: White Experience: Experienced