What do you see when you look at me
Tell the man to measure
Am I the lover you'd like my love
Or just some guilty pleasure
I'm don't really believe self-pleasure and guilt really belong together. Of course, if what you consider pleasurable brings harm or pain to another living thing, you should feel guilt. If your pleasure comes from pain though, you probably don't. I'm talking about all of those things we're taught to feel guilty about. Sweet and high calorie foods, reality television, video games and almost everything connected with sex.
I've never really been one to feel guilt or embarrassment about the things I enjoy and love. The only time guilt creeps in, is when time is an issues. Whether it's binging a television show, playing Spider Solitaire, or working on FH, I only feel guilty when time gets a way from me. I usually only have time to really work on FH on Sunday's. I used to write a bit during the week in the evenings, but sometimes I ended up going down a rabbit hole often until long after midnight.
We've all experienced researching something on-line, then realizing hours have passed while skipping from one Youtube video to another. It's especially easy to sidetracked when your research subject is hot naked men. Hit one model's Instagram, and before you know it, you're on another, then another, jumping to their Twitter, then off to an OnlyFans.
Holidays are the worst. Yesterday alone I visited my usual haunts repeatedly hitting the search engine seeking responses to 'Valentine Hunk', 'Valentine naked male' 'Sexy Cupid' and 'Men with roses.' My goal is always to find dynamic and unique images that have been posted again and again. One of the reasons I love the new holiday shoots that artist create for the site, is that I was sick of seeing the old tired images getting recycled year after year.
Valentines is a fairly narrow holiday. Unlike Christmas and Halloween, Valentines is narrowly focused on love, romance, red hearts and chocolate. Although the velvet red hearts, and the brightly wrapped chocolates might stay the same, there are always hot new models to shoot holding, licking, and playing with him. Early this past January, photographer Tom Nakielski (
Lights On Studio) shared a image of Tony, a new model he was shooting that he discovered on Model Mayhem.

Tom had only recently moved into his new studio, and Tony would be just his second shoot in the new space. He asked me if I had any interest in his doing some Valentine themed shots during their session. I of course said yes, and loved Tony's look in the image Tom shared. A few days later.. one of my guilty pleasures took hold, and I had to push my luck by e-mailing Tom back with a favor.... I remembered Tom had purchased a stuffed groundhog for a shoot with Michael Moody, and asked if the stuffed animal had made the move to the new studio. It had. As some of you saw earlier this month, the Groundhog again rose to see the sun for a few shots during Tony's time in front of Tom's lens.

I guess I'd have to say that holiday imagery is one of my guilty pleasures, especially when it includes a hot naked model shot by a photographer I respect and admire. I love the texture Tom created in this series, especially how beautiful Tony's tanned skin looks against the deep Valentine red. I especially love Tony's dark eyes and hair, and he's also clearly endowed. I'm not exactly sure who placed all those candy kisses around Tony's penis, but Tom did share that he had to buy two bags in order to ensure he could properly cover Tony's sweet package of Valentine treats.