'I believe that we photographers have a rare gift to see beyond the surface to reveal the true underlying wonder that is all around us. Whether it is a breathtaking landscape, a perfect architectural detail, or an exquisite human body, I strive to show it in all its glory and depth '
What I love most about the work of photographer
Greg Lindeblom is how beautifully he manifests the qualities, that the best chroniclers of classic male physique used to capture the male form. Pose was primary, with a focus on symmetry, balance and proportion. Greg views the male form as breathtaking landscape, sculpture or piece of architecture, capturing it to spotlight it's best, and most unique and eye-catching features.
I've been featuring Greg's work since 2011, and have been especially taken with his focus on structure and pose. Although I'm a huge admirer of his studio work, Greg brings these same techniques and an eye for the unique qualities of each of the models he shoots to his work in the open air. I love that although he doesn't have the chairs, stools and chairs he often uses in studio, Greg uses objects natural to their environment to create his body structures.
Greg's new book,
Alfresco Nudes, brings together many of his favorite shots, and favorite models, captured in the great outdoors. Greg has previously published a book featuring his studio nudes, but Alfresco nudes take advantage of the brilliant natural light, and the breathtaking surroundings of his Florida home. It also includes 80 pages of some the hottest male models Greg has worked with.
Given the theme, and how much you shoot outside, how hard was it to narrow down images for the book?
I started with over 300 images, which were selected from thousands of possibilities. I have been shooting outdoors since I moved to Florida in 2001, so there was a lot of time and material to choose from. Of all my books, and this is the seventeenth, this was the hardest to select.
One reason is that I decided this would not be a series, but a one-off book. I'm planning to a follow-up to my Studio Nudes book and have already published Chests and Drawers 1 and 2 with a third probably in the offing in 2025. I decided I wanted one Alfresco Book to represent that particular genre of my work. So, selection was the most challenging part of the whole project.
I wanted to have as many models represented in the book and I wanted to show as many different locations as I could. Lots of my outdoor work was in my own backyard, but I so enjoyed shooting in the desert near Palm Springs; in a cave near Homosassa Springs, Florida; in a ruined building in Austin, Texas; and in parks here in Broward County, Florida.
If you have a choice, would you rather shoot outside or in studio?
I enjoy collaborating with models wherever we work. I am blessed to live in a climate that allows me to shoot outdoors year-round. But I am at heart a studio photographer. I am in my element when I am creating art nudes in the studio, playing with the lighting, working on creative concepts, and adapting classic poses.

What has been the biggest obstacle you have encountered on a location shoot?
The biggest obstacle is the density of population in south Florida. There are very few private locations left where it is comfortable and private enough to shoot safely. Private yards are always fine, but I no longer have a private yard, having moved to a condo. Parks are very busy. That being said, I have found a few secure locations that, with planning, will work beautifully for outdoor shooting.
I have never had someone run across us as we are shooting. I now use a look-out with whom I have a code phrase. Yelling "someone is coming, put on your clothes" isn't very subtle. So, the code is something more obscure. A recent code phrase, that we had to use during the shoot, was "we need to be at the restaurant by noon".
Have you ever had a model have an 'embarrassing moment' while shooting outside? Slipping, bee sting, unplanned erection etc?
I have during outdoor shoots had very few funny incidents, fortunately. No one has sprung a boner. That seems to be much more common in the studio. The funniest story was many years ago I used to shoot in a secluded area of a state park. We got into the area, which was very "jungly" -- there was everything except howler monkeys. The model froze when he realized we were surrounded by banana spiders. Banana spiders are HUGE! It took quite a bit of coaxing to get him back out of the area. Normally, I am the biggest wuss about things like snakes and spiders, but I seem fearless when I get a camera in my hand.

Do you any moments that were especially memorable during your time shooting outside?
'My fondest memories of shooting outdoors was in our own yard. My husband created a tropical fantasy. The irregularly shaped pool was surrounded by palms and tropical plants, so it looked like a lagoon. It was an ideal area to shoot, and I have so many fond memories of that yard and those wonderful collaborations.'
Alfresco Nudes is available in both soft cover,, or an PDF instant download versions. You can buy, or preview more on Blurb HERE: