This past summer I was fortunate to discover the imagery from the creative team of Baker & Adams. Here is my first feature showcasing their work from this past July, (
Classical, Playful, and Occasionally Disturbing. Whenever I profile an artist (or artists) I try my best to say something distinctive about the work. It is not always an easy task, but describing every image, every shoot, with the same adjectives, especially the far to often used 'beautiful' and 'hot' would not only get boring, it would also not be very creative.
There are wonderful photographers out there who create beautiful and even some extremely hot images using the same set up, the same lighting, angles and concepts for almost every model they shoot. Some are very successful, yet over time the images lose their ability to stimulate. A great images is not just enjoyed when first viewed, but more importantly when viewed again and again. It is the reason we pick certain images to hang in our homes. The ones we usually love the most are ones that can draw our imagination years after the shot was hung.
When viewing these shots of Pete and when going back to the images of Scott from the first post, the adjectives I used in that profile 'respectful and elegant' were even more apparent. Baker and Adams shots, especially their nude work is so clean and classic. They don't want you just to enjoy the models and their presentation of them, they want you to admire and appreciate them. I love the two distinct looks Baker and Adams have created for Pete from their first to second shoot.
'I really enjoyed my two times shooting with Baker and Adams. With relatively little experience, I went into the sessions hoping to have fun and to challenge myself. Beyond that, however, I was looking to them for coaching, collaborative trial and error and a general constructive engagement. That's precisely what I got. Both are extremely talented, professional and personable. With them, I totally advanced my comfort in front of the lens. We ended up getting some images I'm quite pleased with.'
'Pete was great fun. He's adventurous and interesting with strong, sculpted legs and a wonderful runners build. He's also wonderfully uninhibited, walking around the studio nude without any need to cover himself between setups. That level of self-comfort is evident in every shot we took of him.
Baker & Adams
'The white limbo shots were inspired by Bert Stern's famous photo session with Marilyn Monroe, where he put Marilyn in front of a white backdrop and lit the backdrop but didn't specifically light her, allowing the light that bounced off the background to light the room and light her indirectly.'
Thanks to Baker and Adams for again sharing their work with
PeteyD on ModelMayhem
Baker and Adams on Model Mayhem