Now I don't want to be a Hypicrite. Obviously I love great shots of beautiful men. But I try with this blog to just not showcase beauty on the outside, but as well beauty on the inside. I also try to spotlight talent and focus on the positive. I try not to bash (although I know in some postings about tv shows and movies I have certainly given negative reviews). In some ways this blog was started as a response to my seeing mainly negative blogs about celebrities and men in the media. Mean spirited blogs where some simply just seemed to want to tear others down.
That is why I am so pissed that so many gay blogs and posters are posting the pictures which just came to light of Dustin Lance Black. I saw them on a site. I looked yes! Dustin is a great looking guy. But...these pics are surfacing in a very ugly way, without Dustin's consent. I see this story and these pictures as very different than those of others like Colin Farrell whose pictures hit the net.
Dustin is not an actor, he is a writer and producer. Not only that, he is a writer and producer of gay themed movies and tv shows. Dustin's acceptance speech at this years Oscars brought tears to my eyes. Dustin, was/is and inspiration and role model. It is sad to me to see the same bloggers who this past February appauded the man and wrote about his positive impact on the community now shoving him down simply because they can now see his penis. Look if you must, but what does it in a meam that in a matter of a few months.... we tear down one of our own heroes. We do not have that many that we can afford to lose one. Save the pics to the computer if you need to, but I hope many take down the pics. They will not go away completely, but lets show a little respect for the man who spoke so beautifully for many of us on the Oscars, a show that reached millions across the globe.