Although I love a full nude, many who read this blog also know my favorite type of pic is one where there is just a hint of nudity. For some reason I find these pics much more of a turn on. We all must admit that there are times we are on the net looking at pic after pic of naked men and we become almost immune. Then there are times when out of the blue we are driving down the street and we see some guy from the back walking and get a hard on as we drive by not seeing anything more than the the back of a white t shirt and jeans.
Photographer "Deej" sums up this in his pictures. For awhile I saw his signiture on some of my favorite pictures. "Deej", also known as Mr Photographer on his myspace page has tons of his work displayed there featuring hot as hell guys, although not your typical male model type showing just a hint of skin. I love his pictures, and many of the guys he photographs. Hope you like some of them as well.
"Deej's" myspace page with more photos