'I shot over 1,400 photographs of Austin during this shoot. There is a book here... when I get the time to pull it together.'
Sadly, if you only listened to a certain 'leader', all you would hear about was how horrible and scary every thing was outside of the countries four borders. Reminds me a bit of the witch from Into The Woods, who keeps Rapunzel locked in a tower to keep her 'safe'. She spent years trying convince Rapunzel how scary the outside world was, and that no one could keep her as safe as she could. Truth was, it was the witch who was terrified, fearful that if Rapunzel learned how wonderful the outside world was, she would leave her all alone.
Anyone lucky enough to have traveled, know the beauty and goodness that exists in every part of the world. Just below that '
build a wall' border is a country, and a world, pretty much similar to all that occurs above it. Humans both with goodness and evil and people striving to live their lives, raise their children, and follow their dreams. It is also a country full of amazing and historical culture, vibrant color and music, great food and incredible beauty. It is also provides the perfect setting for photographer
Gordon Nebeker's most recent shoot with one of my favorite models,
Austin Wild.
Gordon and Austin's trip to Mexico stemmed from both Gordon's ability to form strong friendships, and... his determination not to let a perfect opportunity pass by. When Gordon heard that a close friend of his had rented a house in Mexico to celebrate his birthday, Gordon couldn't let him celebrate alone. Then... after he saw some photos of the house, he told his friend that it was far too great a photographic backdrop to let pass by. Cue Gordon getting in touch with Austin.
Things quickly began to fall into place with Austin not only available, but enthusiastic about a four day Mexican adventure. I can't think of a better model to take a long for the shoot. Austin long lean lines contrast beautifully with the beauty and lines of the location. Also, living in South Florida, Austin spoke fluent Spanish which Gordon reports came in handy many times during their trip.
I think this shoot is without a doubt one of Gordon's best. Gordon beautifully captured not only Austin, but the house and incredible grounds. Austin's body and poses align perfectly, and symmetrically with every location and space. I especially love some the angles Gordon captured which blend in as much of Austin, and the surroundings, while keeping a firm focus on the subject at hand.
'In the time we were there, we never wanted for a place to take a photograph. The house and the property were stunning and did not disappoint. Everywhere I turn there is a wonderful setting in which to shoot. It was a True Paradise!'
Gordon's images, along with being extraordinary captures of the male form, could easily be seen within the pages of Architectural Digest... well, except for the addition of Austin's beautiful naked body. If the owner of this house was smart, some of Gordon's shots should be included in his future rental ads. Renters would however, be disappointed to arrive and not find Austin emerging naked from the swimming pool.
Although a working vacation, There was plenty of time to enjoy the house and grounds and their time in their Mexican paradise. Gordon shares that in addition to his many talents in front of the camera, Austin displayed some of his other hidden talents, including his superb cooking skills. Although Gordon and Austin were the recipients of the generous friend of Gordon's who invited them along, my suspicion is that.... having Gordon shooting Austin throughout the house and grounds, was the best Birthday gift one could have asked for.
FH readers know how much I love Gordon Nebeker's work. His approach, and the majestic and elegant manner in which he captures the male form. I especially love Gordon'w work with Austin, who too could be described as majestic and elegant, especially in front of Gordon's lens. I have been fortunate to have featured Austin's images a half a dozen times over the last few years, this piece, being the fifth featuring his work with Gordon. Austin has a beautiful flow on camera, and a strong ability to use utilize his body to connect with whatever space or location that Gordon has placed him in to shoot. This was never more strikingly apparent than with this shoot.
Some of Gordon's photos of Austin are going to appear in his photography exhibition which begins February 18th in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Check out more about the show in the post below!