When trying to get to know a model or actor for a blog piece, I often throw at them the 'favorite quiz. I put the quiz together many years ago as a way to blend some of the profile pieces I was doing with the blog's theme of favorites. With
Darin Farano, a pattern certainly arose that helped connect both his passions, his pictures and his personality.
Next three images from Zedneram
Darin Farano is first and foremost a showman. An actor, singer, dancer and model, Darin has appeared on stage, in nightclubs and cabarets throughout California, Las Vegas and beyond. Darin exudes an old Hollywood vibe with his handsome good looks and piercing Hazel eyes. Like the music and movies he loves, Darin looks like he just stepped off the stage with Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr., or just walked on set with Clark Cable and Bette Davis. Darin's stage work also has deep ties to old Hollywood having appeared on stage with acting and music icons Liza Minnelli and Debbie Reynolds. Liza and Debbie are certainly two of the worlds greatest performers, and personalities and Darin has had the privilege of learning, and working with the best!

'When I met Desi it was like meeting a family member. We had a wonderful rapport. We shared many interests and views. Our shoot was casual but he had specific things in mind which I thought were very interesting. My favorite part of working with Desi was having such great communication.'
Although he may have some classical or vintage characteristics and attributes, Darin beautifully blends them with the present. His images, especially his work with Zedneram and David Wagner are distinctively modern and sophisticated, elegant and sexy. Although Darin has shown the Full Monty within his modeling, he is certainly not opposed to it within his acting work depending on the project, the role and the persuasive skills of his director.
Next two images from James Loy
'I get asked to do nudes frequently so as a result many photographers (some known ones) have offered to fly me to them all expenses paid to do nude shoots. One wanted to fly me to LA...another to Palm Springs. I have been offered nudes, erotic, porn and everything in between. Some can be very manipulative. Others are harmless and sweet. Some want to buy me underwear and clothing or send me gifts. I politely refuse these offers.'
'James Loy was also a pleasure to collaborate with. We shot inside an old hotel that was vacant in certain areas. I remember it being VERY hot without any air conditioning. He told me stories of clients he had worked with throughout the years which I found fascinating. My favorite part of working with James Loy was how precise he was.'
3 images below from Ray John Pila
'Ray John was pleasant to work with, he really is a very nice man. We did not plan anything before the shoot. He just made general suggestions as to what to bring. The shoot was more in the moment rather than planned out. My favorite part about working with Ray John was his overall creative vision.'
Remaining images from WagnerLA
'David Wagner and I talked for 2-3 months before our shoot. I felt I knew him even before meeting him in person. Everything was planned in advance. We'd toss ideas back and forth each making notes as to what we liked and did not like. Meeting David was also like meeting a family member. We got along so well. He has such a fine eye for detail. Not only is he a great photographer but also a great man as well. My favorite part of working with David Wager is that I came out of it with a friend.'
Nickname you were given: Mr D. or just D.
Pet you had as a kid: A dachshund named Fritz
Animal: Dogs are really my favorite but I truly love all animals
Sport: I'd say Swimming and Hiking
Tv show: I Love Lucy - all the great classic shows
Tv show you watch but are embarrassed to admit: Dancing with the stars - but most of the time I never know who the "stars" are
Movie: To Kill A Mockingbird. I have many favorites in addition to this film classic.
Actress: Katharine Hepburn - Angela Lansbury - Vanessa Redgrave
Actor: Spencer Tracy - James Stewart - Mickey Rooney
Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo
Halloween costume you wore as a kid? Little Red Devil
Singer: The greats like Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland and Ella Fitzgerald
Food: Well...being all Italian, I would most certainly have to say pasta
Restaurant: I am not a big fan of chains. I prefer quite places that are plain and simple. I don't like anything too fancy
Drink: Water and homemade Lemonade. I like wine on occasion. I also love Stingers
Modeling photo of you? The WagnerLA image of me in the chair
Photographer: David Wagner
Subject in School: History and English
Celebrity you think you most look like: I have never really thought about it but people have told me I remind them of Ralph Fiennes.
First Celebrity Crush? Oh...I'd have to say Daphne from Scooby Doo and Wonder Woman
Moment in High School? Being part of the music program and of course graduating!