'I kind of see myself as a sweet, loving, sharing soul, who has an impish side to him that likes to toy with sensuality, danger and darkness. If I were an angel, I would definitely have a demon as a lover. While I exude love, I also radiate sex.'
I certainly felt the radiation burn the first time I saw
Brockton Warwick's work with David from
YogaBear Studio. So much so, I initially wondered if he (it) were too hot for
FH. Brockton's beautiful eyes and sexy smile drew me right in and his body a sight to behold. Brockton reminded me a little bit of my crush on George, Aaron Eckhart's character in Erin Brockovich.
The problem, if you can call it a problem, was that Brockton was at full alert in pretty much every shot. I wasn't really featuring many erection shots at the time and chickened out asking David about the shoot. But I couldn't get Brockton Warwick out of my mind. His amazing name aside, those eyes, and that body, required a closer look.
Thankfully David made that easy. In the last year David has shot an incredible array of new work with Brockton. The images below are just a small sampling of their work together over the past year. David shot new nudes of Brockton, took him to my favorite locations on the train tracks and on the rocks. Shot him tied up by ExplorerFrank and as part of Anthony Dorch's The Pure.
David had so man amazing shots of Brockton in his port, my desktop folder, with my favorite images I had narrowed down, had close to 60 shots in it. Clearly I couldn't use them all, so I encourage you to check out the links within this piece., I also choose some additional favorites and posted them on THE OVER-FLOW.
'Brock was at the very top of my most-wanted list for many years, and it was certainly worth the wait. I love his look—that wonderful hair and that irresistible smile, and the sheer pleasure he takes in modeling. I’m very happy to say that he has become one of my muses, always ready to jump in and explore with me whatever new project I’m doing. As you can see, he brings a unique energy to everything he does!'
How did you first start modeling?
'It's all thanks to David. He had pursued me on a social network for years, asking if he could photograph me...nothing weird, just head shots or whatever I'd be interested in. He shared his website with me, which intrigued me, but I was reluctant because I didn't think I was hot enough and wasn't sure how my husband would feel about it. But being a secret (at the time) exhibitionist, I was really excited about the idea. I finally gave in after I had been working out a bit and told my husband that I wanted to do it and he was ok with it.'

Was shooting nude part of your work from the beginning?
Initially we started the shoot off clothed and in some suggestive poses, but David quickly made me feel at ease and I got excited and the clothes came off.
Did you have any factors you had to weigh before deciding to shoot nude?
Mainly how my husband felt about it was my concern. I love him very much and didn't want to do anything to hurt him. After he assured me he was fine with it, I was at ease and excited about shooting nude.

Have you done any nude modeling in other area's, for artists or for students in class?
David has helped me here as well. He pointed me in the direction of an art group (Gay Men's Art Group San Diego), which has led to a few other gigs with artist's groups. I haven't been able to pose for any art students yet, as usually those classes are during the day, when I'm working. I would really like to do that as well; I just need to find the time. I like posing for artists as it makes me feel like I'm doing something to contribute to art, which I think is as important as sports to a healthy, well rounded society. I can't draw, but I can pose pretty well; I think.

So I have to ask... in your 2012 shoot with David you're hard in every shot. Was this something you planned, or something just occurred through the process of shooting?
I hadn't planned on being hard so much during the shoot, but I was so excited about being shot that I couldn't help it... David didn't seem to mind either. I did get some razzing from home about it, so I tried to tone it down a bit in subsequent shoots, but it takes considered effort not to get hard if I let my mind fully enjoy being shot. It naturally turns me on being naked in front of others and being photographed.

In your 2015 shoot, you bulked up a bit and took on some more edgier themes. Was this an easy decision and was it based on your previous work with David and trust that had been established?
David is such a kind, caring soul whose demeanor has a very calming affect on me; I trust that he would never do anything that would put me in harm, which is what makes it so easy to really open up and show my true self... which is a bit of freak. I like the edgier, darker images; they are portrayals of my alter egos. I have a few other ideas, which we will hopefully see to fruition in the near future that I think people are going to like and hopefully be turned on by.

I love the location David used on the tracks and in the desert. I would guess it is almost a spiritual feeling being naked, standing on those rocks. Any stories or comments from this shoot?
That was a combined shoot with another photographer who was interested in shooting with me and seeing how David works, so it was a bit distracting working with two photographers. David is very focused and knows exactly what he's looking for and provides excellent direction during a shoot. The other photographer didn't seem to know exactly what he wanted and so I was having a bit of confusion trying to satiate both. I eventually focused in on David and the shoot took off. I loved doing the sword fighting with myself; I love how he weaves me in with myself... kinda appeals to my Narcissus tendencies... more to come on that in the future. The train provided some great props, particularly the one with the giant timbers as that kinda played into the bondage shots, which excites me.
Do you have a favorite theme or image from your work with David?
That is so tough, there are so many great images David has made of me. While I tend to lead with a tie between the rope work with Explorer Frank and the leather (those chaps made my ass look amazing), I really love the ones where he stitches images of me together as if I were two people. I really want to explore that in more depth.
What was the experience like being tied up and working with ExplorerFrank?
I was most excited when I came to David with the idea of shooting the rope work with Explorer Frank as I felt it was something unique and not heavily done and a great way for Frank to get some exposure as well... and we can see it's really taken off as many models now want to shoot with his beautiful work on their bodies. I've got a few other ideas of unique and "out there" types of shoots I want to do with David; I just need to find the time in my and David's schedule to work it out.

I've been so lucky to meet ExplorerFrank. He originally approached me about being his model for rope after I posed for him a couple times as a simple nude model. I was intrigued and excited about it and his art is both beautiful and thrilling. Frank is another person who puts you at ease with his energy and caring. He takes great care and time in discussing with you, before hand, all the aspects of rope play to ensure your head is in the right place and everything is perfectly understood so there are no concerns during the actual process. Being tied by ExplorerFrank is like being enveloped in a continuous string of hugs and caresses and sensual energy. The sensations take your mind and body to a place that is hard to describe, but it's something I find I crave and think about far more than I care to admit. ;-)

Why do you think you like modeling?
This may sound odd, but I love sharing myself with others, and how better to share yourself than to expose yourself completely to others and show them that you trust them; it makes people feel good when you trust them. It's also very validating to me; that people actually like to see me and are pleased...or more.
Have you ever been recognized from an image?
Ha, frequently. It sometimes gets to be awkward when I'm out with my husband and boyfriend when people come up to me and want to discuss some of their favorite images, but luckily they are both very understanding, tolerant and supportive of my new found passion.
What is the best part of working with David?
David is a true professional. He is an artist who is a master with his camera. He has an incredible eye for what looks amazing and captures it in a way that never ceases to leave me in awe. I often can't believe I look that good. All that aside, it's his caring nature that really makes the experience so extra-ordinary. Most photographers are very self-concerned, whereas David really cares about his models and would never do anything to bring harm or embarrassment to them. He has helped me further my modeling without ever giving it a second thought. The drawback to working with David is that I'm constantly measuring other photographers against David's caliber, and am often disappointed. I've been so blessed to have started with best.