Happy 31st today February 27tht to one of the hottest guys on the tube Brandon Beemer. Check out more of Brandon and fellow birthday boy Josh Groban HERE: Also check out my birthday post on Brett Stewart and Grant Show HERE:
Best actor nominee's Javier Bardem, James Franco, Jesse Eisenberg, Colin Firth and Jeff Bridges.
It has become tradition of FH that on Academy Award day we look at the nominee's in the best actor and best supporting actor category. Now, given this is FH we not only honor their nominated role but some of their best scenes from the past...
American Idol unveiled its top 24 this week. Overall the guys seem far more interesting than the girls this year. My only disagreement would have been with not choosing Colton Dixon. Yes, Colton is cute and Brett Loewenstern is an interesting singer, but Colton Dixon was a far superior performer to me.
Above: Jacee Badaeux, Brett Loewenstern, and Colton Dixon