Given that FH has been up for awhile, I accept that not every image, nor every post can be memorable to everyone. Not every visual or story, can leave an impact. That doesn't mean though, that it's not my goal, each and every time I choose a subject, or set of images to spotlight. This story, includes several artists whose work previously made an impact on me.
Some of you might recognize
Alexander and
Cooper, the two models who this past Christmas, helped deck the halls, and trim the tree, for photographer Gordon Nebeker. (
HERE:) I featured many duo shoots over the years, but I believe this was the first time I featured a married couple together. Although I like to tell a story with each post, at Christmas, I usually keep the text light, and focus mostly on the holiday and the specifics of how the shoot came together. For the Elf piece, I only asked Cooper and Alexander for a brief comment about the shoot.
Within their answers however, there were a few things they shared, that I really wanted to further explore. My curiosity and interested was magnified after seeing additional images on Cooper's Instagram of the couple taken by photographer David E. (Images Male) David's work always evokes a sudden impact when I see it, and this was certainly the case when I saw his work with Alexander and Cooper.
I was first introduced to David's work back in 2017 by Mark from MW Photo MD. In addition to creating, David also spends time teaching, sharing his knowledge and experience with new photographers. Mark was a huge fan of David's style, and sought him out when he was first starting to shoot. That shoot, which remains one of my favorites, also happened to feature two models, one of whom was Alexander. (
I don't actually often feature couple shoots as so many for me, seem prioritize the sexual elements over the artistic. There are already fundamental erotic and sensual components in most visuals of two nude men together. The art comes when the photographer and the models bring them out naturally through pose, lighting and setting a mood. Rare do this as well as David E.
I remember in the first piece that I did featuring his work, David summed up his artistic goals. With each shoot, and each image, he strived to maintain the viewers attention for an extended period of time, and to pull them back to view it again and again. Given the 'quick scroll' by world we're in, especially on social media, this can be a difficult task, but David beautifully succeeds. Ever since being introduced to his work, I often find myself returning to some of my favorite shots, and at the same time, hoping to discover new ones. That's exactly what happened when I saw David's work with Alexander and Cooper.

The same dynamic visuals I remembered were beautifully evident in his work with Cooper and Alexander. Images highlighted with unique poses and a focus geometry and architecture. Unique lines and curves with two bodies physically and emotionally connected. David creates a powerfully erotic mood. David uses the male form in it's entirety, not relying on just specific body parts to create sensuality and connection. Some of my favorite shots of Cooper and Alexander include images in in which the electricity is created through pose. body proximity, and a brief moment of touch.
David was one of the first photographers that
Alexander connected with on Model Mayhem. David and Alexander's work together also made on impact on Cooper, who shares some of his favorite images of Alexander stem from his collaborations with David. So much so, that Cooper reached out to the Virginia based photographer about having one of the shots he took of put on canvas as Christmas gift for Alexander.
Not long after, Alexander agreed to participate in a shoot that David was doing, once again, the shoot was also going to be part of training a new photographers. David was excited to work with Alexander again, and was more than fine with Cooper tagging along. As you can clearly see, Cooper did much more than just tag along, but joined in to create this stunning set of visuals.
As dynamic as David's shots are of Cooper and Alexander are, the real couple becomes a visual throuple, (at least artistically), when a third model joins them for part of the shoot. Check out those images, as well as more of Alexander and Cooper's modeling, and personal journey together, on the