Janice Dickinson models from AndrewChristian.com
It is almost impossible to be a modest male model. Even though Janice Dickinson gives me the creeps, she does show each week on her reality show, that skin sells. In addition, even models who do not want to show skin like some print models and fashion models must perform quick changes on set and back stage and time is money therefore modesty would be a liability.

Model Chris Austad

Models Josh Wald, Josh Saunders and Mario Lekkas
Most successful male models at one time or another have been shot nude. Even if they are not showing the goods, they are required to be naked for the photo shoot. Many have no issue, or at least get over it, and show their butts. Many have been able to keep it at that. Josh Wald, Josh Saunders, Mario Lekkas, Chris Austad to name a few have perfected being naked, yet not showing the goods to an art form. The new king of ‘I am selling Sex, but your not seeing my penis’ is super model and sex God, Chad White (below).

Model Chad White
Many male supermodels such as Gabriel Aubrey, Jason Lewis and even the top male supermodel of the past decade Marcus Schenkenberg have been naked in print, but shown next to nothing. Jason and Marcus did show their butts on screen for tv and commercials, but not had published photographs showing much more than tease shots. (Please if you know of others, do share!) Many models like Marcus have shown far more skin in foreign magazines for the more open European audiences.

Marcus Schenkenberg in a European tv commercial.

Jason Lewis in Sex And The City.
Some famous male models have shown everything, in tasteful, usually black and white photos. (Some shown below). Some were early shots, some were recent. Seems if you are a successful runway or print model, showing the goods really has little to no bearing on your career.

Model Alvaro Nates

Model Andres Velencoso Segura
A great example of this was the great Jamie Doran pic which surfaced last year.

Model Jamie Doran
There is a new breed of model which has arisen over the past decade and that is the internet model. For those guys, showing the full monty can help or hurt their success depending on how you look at it. These guys are not necessarily looking to join the ranks of Marcus or Mark Vanderloo., but are looking to make it as big as they can on a following, usually headed by gay men as they can. Many, like Ryan Daharsh, James Ellis and more, show almost every bit of skin but the penis. Others have gone further, blurring the lines between the male model, the soft core model (Playgirl, sharpshooter ect) and gone into the world of gay porn (Sean Cody ect). Seems like for the most part this blurring of lines is mostly restricted to the audience of the internet, as in the past, who really was to know about all the nudes that have surfaced. Besides Playgirl, and some European magazines, how would we have seen them. Some of these nudes have been on purpose and well calculated by the model (Carlson Twins, Joseph Sayers), some of the nudity might have been less calculated and more based on circumstances and luck, both good and bad luck (Brad Kroenig, Travis Wolfe) Some started as legit models and had nudes surface (Levi Poulter, Channing Tatum), where as other stripped for cash, then turned into a modeling contract (Scott Andreasen and Michael Biserta).
Anyway, here is my look at some of examples of the blurring of the male model. Although many have done magazine and print work, their main success is that of an internet model. One where nudity usually increases your fan base. Whether that leads to increase financial gain for the model themselves is a question I do not yet have an answer for.