Yes, he was hot as MacGyver, Yes he ruled on General Hospital not to mention Stargate SG-1, Emerald Point NAS, countless tv movies and mini-series, but come on, his best part had to be on Battle Of The Network Stars... I also say he is one of the only man that I have seen truly pull off the 80's mullet!
Ok, We have seen a peek when he was talking with a friend. Yes we saw a glimpse in Midsomer Murders, but come on Orlando, time to give us the full view!
Wes Bentley really isn't unconvential, he is a beauty with a great smile, but I put him in this section as he has not gotten the press and big roles some of his counter parts in the business have. He does however shine in every role he takes on including his most well known in American Beauty.
'The Rogers brothers are Australian to the core, eh mate? Ron is a lifeguard, on the beat at Sydney, Australia , there are two passions, 'belting' and drinking beer. Gregg, Ron's brother, a member of the Australian swimming team at Munich in 1972.'
I feel blessed to live where I get to experience the four seasons. Cold snowy winters, bright springs, hot and sweaty summers and crisp and colorful falls. If you don't live where there is a true fall, to me your not living!