Saturday, June 8, 2019

Favorite Pic of the Day for June 9th

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Sharp Turn

Back Issues:

March 1975 | May 1975

Earlier this spring, I featured the first two issues of the 1975 Playgirl spin-off magazine Foxylady. Today, I present highlights from two additional issues of the magazines one year of publication. Check out the highlights on PAGE 2 HERE:


'In the old times, whenever Braavos stood in danger, the titan would step with fire in his eyes. He'd wade into the sea and smash the enemies.'
Ternesio Terys to Arya Stark

Although Game of Thrones is over, I still had a few unanswered questions I wanted to explore.  I know I can't be the only one who took notice of the HUGE statue Arya Stark sailed under as she entered the city of Braavos in season 4.  In addition of course to wondering what Arya saw when she looked up, I was curious of the statue actually ever existed.

Turns out, The Titan of Braavos was based on The Colossus of Rhodes,  a statue of the Greek sun-god Helios, erected in the city of Rhodes, on the Greek island of the same name, in 280 BC. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, it was constructed to celebrate Rhodes' victory over the ruler of Cyprus.  Colossus, like The Titan, was both a protector of the city, and a symbol of victory in war.

Sadly, there are no traces or remains left of the original Colossus as it was destroyed in a massive earthquake in 226 BC.  It was said to have been over thirty meters tall, (about a hundred plus feet) about three quarters of the height of the Empire State Building. .

 There were rumors over the past few years that there are plans to rebuild.  Some historical drawings have Colossus naked, some have him dressed for war, most depict him in only a loin cloth.  No matter what they choose to put him in, hope they place him at the opening of the harbour, as their's something ironically poetic at staring up between the legs, at the crotch of a city's hero, as you enter in

Titan of Braavos, Game of Thrones

Cool, Calm & Relaxed: Jordan by Lights on Studio

'My session with Tom was cool, calm and relaxed. No pressure to do anything and a great collaborative effort to get the best shots.'

Often during shoots, especially when it's a nude shoot, a big part of an artist's job, is to create a comfortable, safe atmosphere.  In order to get the best, most creative shots, photographer's want to ensure the model they're shooting is feeling relaxed.   As you can tell, especially from the images above, Tampa based model Jordan was quite chilled during his session with Tom Nakielski. (Lights On Studio) Jordan's gorgeous smile and beautiful eyes display both a comfortably and sexy confidence in front of the camera.

Although Jordan was relaxed, and taking thing sin stride, it was Tom, with this particular shoot, who ended up getting a little tense....  Now Tom should have been calm as cucumber, he was on vacation, leaving Michigan's late blast of winter, for a working trip to Florida.  He had the sun, he had the sand, he had an exceptionally hot model to shoot, but as they say, the best laid plans....

Things started out smoothly enough.  Tom had booked a large suite at the Flamingo Resort.  Tom had shot in more than a few cramped motel rooms, so this time, wanted to make sure there was enough space to comfortably do a session.  There was a large bedroom and a living room, so Tom had plenty of light and places to shoot.  There was also a pool, and some interesting outdoor area's Tom hoped to explore.

After contacting Jordan through Model Mayhem, Tom had laid out his ideas, and Jordan was on board with Tom's goal of creating some pin-up style images, as well as more erotic themes as well.  Jordan was excited, he had only recently moved to the Tampa area, and it had been awhile since he was last in front of the camera.  Jordan was experienced and comfortable in front of the camera, and as the shoot began, Tom shares that everything was flowing smoothing.

For a few minutes anyway....  Tom found self without any space left on his flash card.  Tom was using a new camera, one that had much bigger file sizes than he was used to and had used all of his other flash cards in his previous session.  Tom began to panic, he wasn't really familiar with the area, and didn't know if he'd be able to find a card near by.  Jordan assured Tom he had no problem waiting so Tom grabbed his car keys and went on the hunt for more cards.

'While driving around town I couldn't find the cash I had brought with me. I called Jordan to see if I left it in the room, and of course, Jordan saw that I left it on the table top. I began to worry, I  had just met Jordan and really did not know much about him.  I feared that when I got back to the suite he would be gone and so would my money.'

'An hour later,  I returned with some new cards and any worries I had let take over, were immediately put to rest. Jordan was just relaxing (in the nude) watching TV.  I had been so concerned that after waiting for an hour for me that he would lose interest or trust in me. He assured me that all was good and we continued on with the session where we left off as if nothing happened.'

'It was comforting to know that he was trustworthy and to top it off he performed beautifully throughout the session. Jordan was great at coming up with poses in whatever situation I put him and easily made the minor adjustments to a pose as I requested. I will definitely want to work with him again the next time I get to Tampa.'

Even with the minor hitch, as you can see the images turned out magnificently!   I first noticed one of Tom's shots in the MM pic of the day contest and was hoping to be able to share his work with Jordan.  In addition to his great face and smile, Jordan has an amazing physique, on which Jordan skillfully knows how to pose, creating such stunning lines and curves.

It was the 27 year old's interest in health, fitness and bodybuilding that first introduced him to modeling when he was in his early twenties.  Jordan has always been into sports, and is currently pursuing his passion for fitness as a student studying physical therapy.  That doesn't mean it's all work for the Nashville born model.  Jordan's loving his new life in Tampa and although he studies hard through the week, makes sure to enjoy the city's nightlife on the weekend.